Log data using Combobox


Viewed 292 times


I’m trying to create a real estate company On-Line, I have already built the structure, but I have no idea how to register the States, Cities and Neighborhoods of the same using a Combobox.

For those who can give an analysis I leave the address http://www.buziosnegocios.com.br/ to see that Combobox is working, because I registered directly in the BD the data of a test property in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

If friends can give me an idea of how to register real estate ads with Combobox, or otherwise I would be very grateful.

Below I relate the code I created and only managed to register the state code, state name and state acronym.

First Stage: Selecting the State.

            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />

        $dp =  $_POST['cod_estado'];
            echo "<script language='javascript'>window.location='cadastrar_anuncio_2.php?cod_estado=$dp'</script>";
        <form name="enter" method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
        <label>Selecione o estado de origem do Imóvel</label><br /><br />
        <select name="cod_estado">
        include 'conexao.php';
        $select = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM estados ORDER BY nome_estado ASC");
        while($res = mysql_fetch_array($select)){
        <option value="<?php echo $estados =  $res['cod_estado'];?>"><?php echo $estados =  $res['nome_estado'];?></option>
        <?php } ?>
        </select><br /><br />
        <input class="input" type="submit" name="enter" value="Avançar"/>

Phase Two: Recording Status Data.

            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" />
        $dp =  $_POST['cod_estado'];
            echo "<script language='javascript'>window.location='cadastrar_anuncio_3.php?cod_estado=$dp'</script>";

        <form name="cadastrar" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" >

        $dp =  $_POST['cod_estado'];
        include "conexao.php";
        $cod_estado = $_GET['cod_estado'];
        $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM estados WHERE cod_estado = '$cod_estado'");
        $res = mysql_fetch_array($query);

            $nome_estado = $_POST['nome_estado'];
            $uf = $_POST['uf']; 
            $cod_estado = $_GET['cod_estado'];  

            $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO anuncio VALUES ('NULL', '$cod_estado', '$nome_estado', '$uf',  '$cod_cidade', '$nome_cidade', '$cod_bairro', '$nome_bairro', '$foto01')")or die(mysql_error());
        if($insert == ''){
            echo "<script language='javascript'>
            window.alert('Erro ao cadastrar Anuncio!!!');
            echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; URL= cadastrar_anuncio_3.php?cod_estado=".$cod_estado."'>
            <script language='javascript'>
            window.alert('Cidade cadastrada com sucesso!!!');
        $dp =  $_POST['cod_estado'];
        include 'conexao.php';
            $uf = $_GET['uf'];
            $nome_estado = $_GET['nome_estado'];
            $cod_estado = $_GET['cod_estado'];
            $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM estados WHERE cod_estado = '$cod_estado'");
            $res = mysql_fetch_array($query);
        <input size="1" type="text" name="cod_estado" value="<?php echo $res['cod_estado']; ?>" readonly="readonly"/>
        <input size="20" type="text" name="nome_estado" value="<?php echo $res['nome_estado']; ?>" readonly="readonly"/>
        <input size="1" type="text" name="uf" value="<?php echo $res['uf']; ?>" readonly="readonly"/>
        <input type="submit" name="cadastrar" value="Cadastrar" />

From now on, I don’t know how to proceed. If friends can give me a light, I’d be grateful.

Hugs to all.

  • Sergio, I’m not sure I understand your question, what exactly do you need? A better way to search the properties? What exactly is your problem with the property code structure? I always made this type of registration in the database as follows, a state table and other municipalities, there in each ad would have the register of the neighborhood, to make the search. Example of the structure here, but without the country: http://samus.com.br/web/artigo-todas_cities_do_brasil_updated_e_com_accents

  • Hello Ruggi, is the following, I’m trying to make a website for a friend who is a realtor, he would like to register the properties on own site. But I’m not getting to register real estate according to states, cities and neighborhoods. Example: A house in São Paulo, in the city of Araraquara and in the Centro neighborhood, I would have to register them with the codes of each respective state, city and neighborhood, this is what I’m not able to pull the combobox, since in it I have all the codes of states, cities and neighborhoods. Did I manage to make myself understood......

  • Continuing... I came to register the state code, the name of the state and the acronym of the state, but I stopped, I do not know how to continue the registration of the City and Neighborhood, pulling from Combobox. I published the code used to register the status so that the search for the property can be done.... It seems that I’ve stalled even more... Well that’s what I hope you’ve managed to make me understand.

1 answer


I don’t understand your code very well, but you can use the tag select inside the html, assigning values each item, then, if you like, by using a if, by assigning a more complete value to each item in the combobox, still includes a very simple method of inserting this value into a table, thus:


<form action="POST" action="index.php"> 
<select name="estado">
  <option value="rj">rio de janeiro</option>
  <option value="sp">são paulo</option>


$local = $_POST['estado'];
if ($local == rj){
  $local = "Rio de Janeiro";
  echo"$local";/*aqui retornaria Rio de janeiro*/
}elseif ($local == sp){
  $local = "São Paulo";
  echo"$local";/*aqui retornaria São Paulo*/
  $insere = "NSERT INTO tabela (local) VALUES ('$local')";
  $insere_query = 'mysql_query('$insere')';
  • Thank you for your attention to my problem Jorge, I will try to do with your reasoning, given the result you can or even to ask questions if they arise. Once again QUARREL.

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