How can I make this url more user friendly?


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I’m developing this site and studying a little about friendly url’s since I was a Wordpress user and now I’m moving to frameworks and systems. What I want to know is whether the url shown below might be more user friendly yet.

The method I thought to use initially was to put the id end of post link and recover this ID on destination page php treatment.. But then I thought ...

Question: Can this url be friendlier yet and not have that parameter at the end? How else could I do this?



Options +FollowSymLinks

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

RewriteBase /
# RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]

RewriteRule ^home(.*) index.php
RewriteRule ^contato(.*) contato.php
RewriteRule ^tratamentos/(.*) tratamentos.php?tratamentos=$1
  • Maybe using GET or POST. Ex: (GET) Then you can redirect to a url that doesn’t have the parameter at the end. That depends on whether you need him there.

  • I don’t think this statement modifies the url to the point of removing the parameter so it would be almost the same thing I did, no?

  • How would I get through this for $_POST?

  • Instead of using a link, you would use a form with Submit button and Hidden input.

  • Wordpress creates each post a unique tag for that post. And uses that tag in the url. In case you would create a unique text.

  • @touchmx you gave me an idea and at the same time confused me because I can compare the previously created tags BUT if I insert a second article be with the same tag we will have problems right. How to prevent a tag is repeated in the act of the article?

  • But it depends on the type of content you insert. In WP he understands that no post has the same title as another.

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