How to solve the logic problem of this php code block?


Viewed 34 times


In this piece of code, I take what the url is sending and save the parameters in variáveis to subsequently pass them into a function.

if(isset($_GET['funcao']) && $_GET['funcao'] == 'lereresponder'){
    if (!empty($_GET['tipo']) && 
        !empty($_GET['funcao']) &&
        $_GET['funcao'] == 'lereresponder'){

        $id = $_GET['id'];
        $tipo = $_GET['tipo'];

        lerresponder($id, $tipo);


In this next code that is function I am receiving the parameters with the intention of building a view through a database query using the captured parameters.

function lerresponder($id, $tipo){

    global $pdo;

    echo $id . '<br>';
    echo $tipo . '<br>';


Well, I’m getting the vestments from if(isset($_GET['funcao']) ... inside the function to make the query in the database.

Question 1: The way I’m passing these vestments to the Function seems right?

Question 2: How to call this function? So: lereresponder($id, $tipo)?

Piecing together the code and the file I call the function, repeat the instruction lerresponder($id, $tipo); 3 times and it bothered me.

Question 3: The way to write this code is correct?

  • Also add the part where you repeat the function 3 times.

  • I solved ... just put the if(isset($_GET['function']) && ... within the view instead of placing in the same Function and then have to call Function again in view.

  • Only problem of logic ... :)

  • you have two if nested that do the same checking, even one using isset() and the other empty(), use only the if from within

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