How to reuse the connection in the subclass?


Viewed 158 times


Colleagues, I have a connection class:

class Conecta
    private $Servidor = '';
    private $Usuario = 'root';
    private $Senha = 'senha';
    private $Banco = 'banco';

    // Protegido
    protected $Conecta;

    // Faz a conexão
    public function conectar(){

$this->Conecta = mysqli_connect($this->Servidor,$this->Usuario,$this->Senha,$this->Banco);

And I have a class of methods:

    class Metodos extends Conecta
       // Primeiro método
      public functionPrimeiro(){
           $conectar = new Conecta();

    $sql = mysqli_query($conectar->conectar(), "MINHA QUERY");

    // Segundo método
      public functionSegunda(){
           $conectar = new Conecta();

    $sql = mysqli_query($conectar->conectar(), "MINHA QUERY");

Notice that within each method I use:

   $conectar = new Conecta();

Would there be some way I wouldn’t use within each method or might just be that way?

3 answers


You can decouple this code and delete the inheritance. Start with a connection class that opens the connection to the bank as soon as it is instantiated:

class Conexao {

    // (...)

    // Tudo o que tinha na sua classe Conecta,
    // + o construtor abaixo
    function __construct() {

    // Se tem coisa específica do mysqli aqui,
    // pode ser interessante abstrair pelo menos
    // um método genérico de query. A ideia é
    // centralizar aqui tudo que lida direto com mysqli.
    public function query($sql) {
        $qry = mysqli_query($this->Conecta, $sql);
        return mysqli_fetch_all($qry, MYSQLI_ASSOC);


In the method class, you inject the connection, also using the constructor:

class Dados {

    // Conexão guardada aqui
    protected $conexao;

    // Construtor: guarda a conexão
    function __construct($conexao) {
        $this->conexao = $conexao;

    // Um método qualquer que usa o BD
    public function pegaDados() {
        return $this->conexao->query("MINHA QUERY");

And you wear it like this:

$bd = new Dados(new Conexao());
  • Hello bfavaretto, unfortunately I can not uncouple, because in other parts of the system is already using this way.

  • 2

    @Jose.Marcos I’m sorry, but your code is so wrong, I would rethink it and redo where I had to change.

  • Enjoy while you can, because the POO is basically about reusing codes.

  • Hello bigown, I agree with you, but unfortunately the system was already ready here in the company and if I change now, I would have to redo it almost completely and it would take time.


Modify the "Connect" class to:

class Conecta
    private $Servidor = '';
    private $Usuario = 'root';
    private $Senha = 'senha';
    private $Banco = 'banco';

    // Protegido
    protected $Conecta;

    // Realiza a conexão no construtor 
    public function __construct()
        $this->Conecta = mysqli_connect($this->Servidor,$this->Usuario,$this->Senha,$this->Banco);

To use within your "Methods" class, simply do:

class Metodos extends Conecta
    // Primeiro método
    public functionPrimeiro()
        $result = mysqli_query($this->Conecta, "MINHA QUERY");

    // Segundo método
    public functionPrimeiro()
        $result = mysqli_query($this->Conecta, "MINHA QUERY");

Despite being a functional solution, I recommend that you accept the @bfavaretto board, if you want to uncouple even more use PDO!


  • Hi Hizer. When I put __Construct, the page went blank.

  • Hello! You have an example from your page?

  • 1

    Looking at your code, it might be interesting to leave another method, identical to Construct but with the name "connect", so you ensure compatibility with your legacy code! Hug!

  • Hizer Bingo. Perfect. Based on your idea, I created a method called connect(); Thank you!


As the Connect class is being inherited by the Methods class, you can do it as follows using Parent which is a reference to the parent class in an inheritance relation:


How would it look:

public functionSegunda(){  
  $sql = mysqli_query(parent::conectar(), "MINHA QUERY");
  • Hello Yure. I tried to use the Parent, but it didn’t work, only works if I put the $connect->connect()

  • Unfortunately I can not uncouple or apply PDO, because I am, as I can say, putting out a fire... rs rs rs ...since the system already existed and this doubt I passed, is what I found wrong and I want to change, but I’m not getting it

  • Thank you to all the colleagues who were willing to help me. Hizer’s idea worked.

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