Checkouturl redirection problem at Cielo Checkout


Viewed 638 times


I’m developing the website of my record label with the Codeigniter framework. In it I will sell physical and digital Cds with the Cart class. I signed up for Cielo this week and I am reading assiduously the Developer’s Manual.

The manual does not contain information for some doubts that I could not solve. The part of the cart is already working OK, is in sending the information that go to Cielo are also OK.

I gave an echo on the return, and the same appears the request, on my view everything OK.

{"orderNumber":"2d0de5e0d0f2be876a8661233d66e93c","softDescriptor":"1070533359","cart":{"discount":{"type":"Percent","value":10,"isRequired":false},"items":[{"name":"Album - Faixa: Intro","description":"aaaa","unitPrice":1000,"quantity":1,"type":"Digital","sku":"c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b","weight":0}]},"shipping":{"type":"WithoutShipping"},"payment":{"boletoDiscount":0,"debitDiscount":10},"customer":{"identity":"14587524710","fullName":"Cliente","email":"[email protected]"},"options":{"antifraudEnabled":false},"settings":{"checkoutUrl":"","profile":"CheckoutCielo","version":"2"}}

I asked King Host to add the EV Certificate to me and release the Cielo Checkout-specific Mod Security. However, the page is not redirected to Checkoutul. Is it because of the lack of these components? Or is it my mistake?

1 answer


I managed to take care of the boys. I needed to redirect, not automatic. For those who need it:

$json = json_decode($response);
$checkoutUrl = $json->settings->checkoutUrl;

redirect($checkoutUrl); // redirect from codeigniter

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