Error when returning the object after query


Viewed 99 times


Good night to you all.

Objective: The main objective is to take the user id and the code of the simulated that he answered, and display it on another screen after he answers this simulated, however, I have Exception when trying to perform a query through my Dao and do not know how to solve.


Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to com.sisEnade.tcc.modelo.Resposta
    at com.sisEnade.tcc.dao.ResultadoSimuladoDAO.resultadoRespostasSimulado(
    at com.sisEnade.tcc.controller.ResultadoSimuladoBean.init(

GRAVE: Servlet.service() for servlet [Faces Servlet] in context with path [/sisEnade] threw exception [WELD-000049: Unable to invoke public void com.sisEnade.tcc.controller.ResultadoSimuladoBean.init() on com.sisEnade.tcc.controller.ResultadoSimuladoBean@74e35f8d] with root cause
    ... 91 more


    private EntityManager manager;

    // Métodos de buscas para resultado do aluno e futuramente relatórios..

    public Resposta resultadoRespostasSimulado(Long codigoUsuario, Long codigoSimulado) {
        Resposta resposta =  (Resposta) manager.createQuery
                ("select u.nome, SUM(r.respostasAcertadas) as Respostas_Corretas from Resposta r "
                 + "JOIN r.usuario u where r.usuario.codigo = ?1 AND r.simulado.codigo = ?2")
                .setParameter(1, codigoUsuario)
                .setParameter(2, codigoSimulado)

        return resposta;

The bean that is involved with this DAO is as follows:

    private ResultadoSimuladoDAO resultadoSimuladoDAO;

    private Resposta resultado;

    public void init() {
        FacesContext fUsuario = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        HttpSession sessionUsuario = (HttpSession) fUsuario.getExternalContext().getSession(false);
        Long codigoUsuario = (Long) sessionUsuario.getAttribute("identificaUsuario");

        FacesContext fSimulado = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        HttpSession sessionSimulado = (HttpSession) fSimulado.getExternalContext().getSession(false);
        Long codigoSimulado = (Long) sessionSimulado.getAttribute("identificaSimulado");

        resultado = this.resultadoSimuladoDAO.resultadoRespostasSimulado(
                codigoUsuario, codigoSimulado);


    public Resposta getResultado() {
        return resultado;
  • What’s the class like Resposta?

  • This is why the query does not return an object of type Resposta, and yes another with two attributes, name and Respostas_Corretas. Try something like select new Resposta(u.nome, SUM(r.respostasAcertadas)) ... and inform the class in the query as well, something like manager.createQuery("a query aqui", Resposta.class)

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