Debug php in visual studio


Viewed 124 times


Someone knows how I can debug and find errors in php using visual studio. I searched a few places but found nothing satisfactory.

When my page has an error in code, using visual studio it shows only error 500. When I used Notepad++ or something else, at least it showed more or less where the error was.

Is there any way I can debug php in visual studio so I can identify the errors, just like in C#?

  • It integrates with Xdebug or similar?

  • 1

    face can’t tell you, I’m starting to use it and I think it’s a fantastic IDE, I can’t tell you that. How can I check?

  • 1

    With Xdebug usually errors are presented in orange boxes, you can search in php.ini and see if it is active.

  • I didn’t have a php.ini in my project. I put it empty there.

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