Recursiveness of folders and files stored in the Database - PHP


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I have a system using Cakephp, in one of the pages there is the possibility to register folders and recursive files, which are saved in the database. Now, I need to query these folders and files logically with recursiveness and play something like this:

(Pasta filha de 'Arquivos enviados')

(Arquivo filho da pasta 'Gerais')

But I’m having a hard time getting that data from the database. Recursive folders are being recovered correctly through Cakephp’s 'Tree' class, but files that are saved in another table are not. Can anyone help me? (If necessary, I’ll release the code I’m using). Thank you!

  • I included your bank structure in the question, this will help.

  • Tree only lists directories and files, for you to locate in the database, you have to make a select by file name, or not use Tree and list everything with a select in the database tables.

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