Print text and image on Zebra printer


Viewed 1,385 times


I used "Zebra Designer" to generate a "code" for the Zebra printer to interpret, but I don’t know how to add an image in the middle of that print dynamically, like... I have a tablet that the customer can sign directly on their screen, After a registration with some information will be printed a form with the data and the digital signature, the biggest problem is how to put this image dynamically together with the text? I noticed that when placing any image in the "Zebra Designer" it generates a kind of byte array (I think)... Follow my.xml string with the data...

What is will be added a dynamic text and what has X is a Checklist...

I even put it up for an image, but I can’t follow it... PCX 0 0

<string name="notificacao_ZP_01">! 0 200 200 2805 1</string>
<string name="notificacao_ZP_IMG">PCX 0 0</string>
<string name="notificacao_ZP_02">T 5 0 156 26 ¶</string><!-- Id notificação -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_03">T 5 0 170 59 ¶</string><!-- Ano -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_04">T 5 0 270 193 ¶</string><!-- Linha de transmissão -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_05">T 5 0 270 236 ¶</string><!-- Torres envolvidas -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_06">T 5 0 282 277 X</string><!-- Risco a operacionalidade - Alto -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_07">T 5 0 375 277 X</string><!-- Risco a operacionalidade - Médio -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_08">T 5 0 483 277 X</string><!-- Risco a operacionalidade - Baixo -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_09">T 5 0 583 277 X</string><!-- Risco a operacionalidade - Nenhum-->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_10">T 5 0 108 389 ¶</string><!-- Nome -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_11">T 5 0 126 477 ¶</string><!-- Endereço -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_12">T 5 0 511 520 ¶</string><!-- Telefone -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_13">T 5 0 103 563 ¶</string><!-- Bairro -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_14">T 5 0 132 607 ¶</string><!-- Municipio -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_15">T 5 0 208 653 ¶</string><!-- ponto de referência -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_16">T 5 0 300 687 X</string><!-- Estado civil - Solteiro -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_17">T 5 0 411 687 X</string><!-- Estado civil - Casado -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_18">T 5 0 538 687 X</string><!-- Estado civil - Viúvo -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_19">T 5 0 645 687 X</string><!-- Estado civil - Outros -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_20">T 5 0 322 743 ¶</string><!-- Quantas pessoas residem no local -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_21">T 5 0 321 784 ¶</string><!-- Quanto tempo no local -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_22">T 5 0 290 890 X</string><!-- Possui medidor - SIM -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_23">T 5 0 380 890 X</string><!-- Possui medidor - NÃO -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_24">T 5 0 290 980 X</string><!-- Apresentou conta de luz - SIM -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_25">T 5 0 380 980 X</string><!-- Apresentou conta de luz  - NÃO -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_26">T 5 0 236 940 ¶</string><!-- Numero medidor -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_27">T 5 0 646 940 ¶</string><!-- Ligado em -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_28">T 5 0 207 1028 ¶</string><!-- Numero cliente -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_29">T 5 0 178 1130 X</string><!-- Alvenaria -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_30">T 5 0 314 1149 X</string><!-- Madeira -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_31">T 5 0 440 1149 X</string><!-- Outros -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_texto_x_1">T 5 0 554 1149 X</string><!-- Outros Texto -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_32">T 5 0 178 1198 X</string><!-- Nova -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_33">T 5 0 314 1190 X</string><!-- Antiga -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_34">T 5 0 440 1198 X</string><!-- Em construção -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_35">T 5 0 178 1230 X</string><!-- Residência -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_36">T 5 0 314 1230 X</string><!-- Comércio -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_37">T 5 0 439 1230 X</string><!-- Esportes -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_38">T 5 0 575 1230 X</string><!-- Outros -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_texto_x_2">T 5 0 679 1237 X</string><!-- Outros Texto -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_39">T 5 0 178 1269 X</string><!-- Invasão -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_40">T 5 0 314 1269 X</string><!-- Alugado -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_41">T 5 0 438 1269 X</string><!-- Comprado -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_42">T 5 0 575 1269 X</string><!-- Posse -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_43">T 5 0 37 1375 ¶</string><!-- Observação 01-->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_44">T 5 0 270 1680 ¶</string><!-- Resp. pela fiscalização-->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_45">T 5 0 137 1733 ¶</string><!-- Matricula -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_46">T 5 0 618 1733 ¶</string><!-- Data -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_47">T 5 0 225 1795 ¶</string><!-- excluir --><!-- -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_48">T 5 0 38 2433 ¶</string><!-- Endereço -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_49">T 5 0 451 2488 ¶</string><!-- Id ocupação -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_50">T 5 0 654 2488 ¶</string><!-- Ano -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_53">T 0 0 45 2029 ¶</string><!-- Resp. Fiscalização -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_54">T 0 0 229 2029 ¶</string><!-- Matrícula -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_55">T 0 0 493 2029 ¶</string><!-- Data -->
<string name="notificacao_ZP_56">PRINT</string>
<string name="notificacao_ZP_BREAK_INICIAL">|</string>
<string name="notificacao_ZP_BREAK_FINAL">||</string> 

Example of a PRN I did in the part that would be the image (Summarized)...

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


Hello, when I was working with a TLP2844, I generated all the information I wanted in Zebradesigner and, I had it printed on file( .prn file ). I changed the content and then copied it to LTP1 port. prn > LPT1 copy file

  • Like, I was doing like this, I would put any image in Zebra Designer, in my project I have a signature per form and I need to print the proper signatures on your source form... as it would be possible to re-edit the PRN file?

  • 1

    The problem is that it does not know how to change the content when it comes to an image, as it seems that an array of bytes is generated for it. How to swap the image by directly editing . prn is the question.

  • How to swap the image by directly editing . prn is the question. in my case I do not directly edit the . PRN, I have his STRING in my String.xml, and with that I can manipulate it in any way I want, but what I could not add was an image... only @Math

  • 1

    This printer uses a language called EPL, I haven’t worked with it for a few years, but I know that it used that language, you have to send the images and then send the command to print the image that is already in her memory. Depending on the size of the printer’s memory, you should send a command to delete the image from the memory to send another one... Pelo . prn don’t think you can.

  • In case I can set the size and position X and Y, then when sending the texts it will print everything? Would that be it? @Robertogóes

  • Or would you have an example? @Robertogóes

  • No one else???

  • 1

    I no longer work at the firm that had access to that printer. I already got help from the staff at DN Automation, had a printer there, will they help you... [email protected].

  • @Robertogóes I will contact them, thank you very much for this contact!

  • I did not get an answer from [email protected]

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