Macros in coordinates related to the textarea


Viewed 89 times


I need to insert some macros in a text area, these macros can be inserted anywhere in the field, currently I only use one append that just puts the macro at the beginning.

I’m thinking of getting the coordinates of the click with clientX - ClientY and when inserting the macro use these coordinates for insertion.


 $("#inserirMacro").click(function() {
   // Pega o macro selecionado.
   var macro = $("#macros :selected").text();
   // Inseri o macro no  começo do campo textarea

 // Pega as coordenadas do click no textArea.
 $("#campo").mousedown(function(e) {
   console.log(e.clientX + ' ClientX ' + e.clientY + ' ClientY');
<script src=""></script>
<select id="macros">
<button type="button" id="inserirMacro">Inserir</button>
<textarea rows="4" id="campo"></textarea>

How can I use these coordinates to insert macros in the right places ?

  • For columns I don’t know, but for rows you can add an " n" to change the row.

  • I developed a quick version of what you need, see on jsFiddle. The way I see it, the way you want to do it, it’s gonna take work, the positioning on the <textarea> will be very relative to font size and string size, plus you will have to scan the entire <textarea> to fit the new string that is inserted and check that it will not overwrite an existing one, an alternative, perhaps easier, for what you want will be the drag-and-drop.

  • @devgaspa your solution is unviable, you’re turning every textarea into a drag-and-drop, how will the user type his text? have to remember that this could then be a document in any word.

  • @Gabrielrodrigues forgive me, I interpreted your intention wrong, but the logic to locate the x~y and insert in <textarea> is this way.

1 answer


Gabriel, I think it’s best to take the cursor position on textarea.

var selection = {};
selection.Start = 0;
selection.End = 0;

var campo = $("#campo");
var inserirMacro = $("#inserirMacro");
var macros = $("#macros"); {
  // Pega o macro selecionado.
  var macro = macros.children(":selected").text();
  var pre = campo.val().substring(0, selection.Start);
  var pos = campo.val().substring(selection.End);  
  campo.val(pre + macro + pos);  
  selection.End = selection.Start += macro.length;
  campo.prop("selectionStart", selection.Start);
  campo.prop("selectionEnd", selection.End);

campo.on("keyup keypress blur input", function () {
  selection.Start = campo.prop("selectionStart");
  selection.End = campo.prop("selectionEnd");
<script src=""></script>
<select id="macros">
<button type="button" id="inserirMacro">Inserir</button>
<textarea rows="4" id="campo"></textarea>

in this case the macro will be inserted in the textarea that the user was working on.

  • Cool too! you know why when inserted in the middle of a content the rest of it is "selected""helloWorld example", insert a macro in "W"

  • @Gabrielrodrigues, which browser are you using? I tried to insert the macro [CLIENT NAME] between the end of the word Hello in HelloWolrd, the result was Hello[NOMECLIENTE]World, the rest of the text was not selected and the cursor was moved to after the macro... in any case I will try to make an improvement.

  • It happened in the latest versions of Firefox 44.0.2 and Google Chrome 48.0.2564

  • @Gabrielrodrigues, I made a small change/improvement, if some text is selected, the macro will replace the selected text... for example... if you select o W in Hello World and insert the macro [NOMECLIENTE], the result will be Hell[NOMECLIENTE]orld

  • Got show, that’s right, look what I was doing instead of having this option to insert macro: uhauah, now it will get much better.

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