I am making a simple algorithm, to read an excel spreadsheet, insert some records and save the altered spreadsheet.
To write my code, I based on the example of writing made available with the Jexcel package, so I have a method that is responsible for reading the spreadsheet, applying the content, writing this content in the spreadsheet and saving it.
public void gerarPlanilhaPreenchida(String inputFile, String outputFile) throws IOException, RowsExceededException, WriteException{
File inputTemplate = new File(inputFile);
File outputTemplate = new File(outputFile);
Workbook planilhaTemplate;
WritableWorkbook planilhaResultado;
planilhaTemplate = Workbook.getWorkbook(inputTemplate);
planilhaResultado = Workbook.createWorkbook(outputTemplate, planilhaTemplate);
catch(BiffException e){
Follows the code of the method responsible for producing the content to be written, started simple, inserting new lines in the spreadsheet:
private void aplicaConteudo(WritableWorkbook w) throws WriteException {
WritableSheet excelSheet = w.getSheet("INSS");
For testing:
public static void main(String[] args) throws RowsExceededException, WriteException, IOException {
String inputFile = "<<HOME_FOLDER>>/entrada/PlanilhaTemplate.xls";
String outputFile = "<HOME_FOLDER<>>/saida/PlanilhaTemplate2.xls";
GenerateExcelLogic novaPlanilhaTeste = new GenerateExcelLogic();
novaPlanilhaTeste.gerarPlanilhaPreenchida(inputFile, outputFile);
This is the error log when running main
Warning: cannot Insert Row Within formula: Unrecognized token 61
Warning: cannot Insert Row Within formula: Unrecognized token 60
Warning: cannot Insert Row Within formula: Unrecognized token 60
Warning: cannot Insert Row Within formula: Unrecognized token 60
Warning: cannot Insert Row Within formula: Unrecognized token 60
Warning: cannot Insert Row Within formula: Unrecognized token 60
Warning: cannot Insert Row Within formula: Unrecognized token 60
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Nullpointerexception
at jxl.biff.formula.TokenFormulaParser.getBytes(Tokenformulaparser.java:495)
at jxl.biff.formula.FormulaParser.getBytes(Formulaparser.java:183)
at jxl.write.Biff.ReadFormulaRecord.getData(Readformularecord.java:145)
at jxl.biff.Writablerecorddata.getBytes(Writablerecorddata.java:71)
at jxl.write.Biff.File.write(File.java:147) at jxl.write.Biff.RowRecord.writeCells(Rowrecord.java:342)
at jxl.write.Biff.SheetWriter.write(Sheetwriter.java:480)
at jxl.write.Biff.WritableSheetImpl.write(Writablesheetimpl.java:1558)
at jxl.write.Biff.WritableWorkbookImpl.write(Writableworkbookimpl.java:950)
at br.com.Madi.projeto.Generateexcellogic.gerarPlanilhaInss(Generateexcellogic.java:45)
at br.com.Madi.projeto.Generateexcellogic.main(Generateexcellogic.java:68)
NOTE: My Excel spreadsheet works as a Template, it is only necessary to enter the data. In this case, when the insertRow()
I ask him to insert a line into my Template, I get the above error, now when the line is outside the Template, do not get the error. However I cannot be sure if the spreadsheet has been changed or not.
Hello, I imagined it was, but I removed all the formulas from the template to avoid problem. I will continue checking, thanks for the help!
– Victor Felipe
Dude, I made the changes, and I succeeded, I’ll take all the formulas out of the template, and apply via Jexcel. Thank you.
– Victor Felipe
@Victorfelipe Great idea. Glad you could solve. :)
– utluiz