I’m in trouble when I’m executing the following command on the terminal:
vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:convert-mapping --filter="Category" --from-database annotation --namespace="Categoria\\Entity\\" module/Categoria/src
The following message appears:
In Metadata Classes to process.
Project link https://github.com/thuramlucas/testezend2.git
What message? Please make titles that are intuitive. Titles with help, help, Please, please, blablabla, are redundant, because everyone who comes here to ask is already looking for help. I’m sure you’ll take my comment as a constructive criticism.
– Guilherme Nascimento
In Metadata Classes to process.
– Lucas Lopes
I don’t understand Doctrine, but put in the body of the question the content of
.– Guilherme Nascimento
Explain how to clone the project and reproduce the error, so we can help.
– Rodrigo Rigotti