Problems with scope in php, can anyone help me please?


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I have some classes, I will post them to you can then explain my problem which is quite simple.

class connection to the database


 * Gerencia conexões com bancos de dados,
 * usando arquivos de configuração

 * Description of base_dao
 * @author willian.rodrigues
final class tconnection {
     * Não existirão instâncias de base_dao
     * por isso marquei o contrutor como privado

    private function __construct() {

     * @param String $name Nome do banco de dados
     * Verifica se exste arquivo de configuração para ele,
     * e instancia o objeto PDO correspondente.

    public static function open($name = 'mysql_dgnetwork') {
            $option = array(
                // mantem a conexão com o banco sempre aberta para o usuário
                PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true,

                // define PDO::FETCH_ASSOC como padrão de retorno

                // define para que o PDO lance exceções na ocorrência de erros

             * Verifica se existe arquivo de configuração para ele
             * e instancia o objeto PDO correspondente.
            if (file_exists("dao_config/{$name}.ini")) {
                // lê o INI e retorna um array
                $db = parse_ini_file("dao_config/{$name}.ini");
            } else {
                // se não existir, lança um erro
                throw new Exception("Arquivo '$name' não encontrado");

            // lê as informações contidas no arquivo
            $user = isset($db['user']) ? $db['user'] : NULL;
            $pass = isset($db['pass']) ? $db['pass'] : NULL;
            $name = isset($db['name']) ? $db['name'] : NULL;
            $host = isset($db['host']) ? $db['host'] : NULL;
            $type = isset($db['type']) ? $db['type'] : NULL;
            $port = isset($db['port']) ? $db['port'] : NULL;

             * Descobre qual o tipo do driver
             * de banco de dados a ser utilizado.
            switch ($type) {
                case 'mysql':
                    $port = $port ? $port : 3306;
                    $conn = new PDO("mysql:host={$host};port={$port};dbname={$name}", $user, "", $option);
//                    $conn = new PDO("mysql:host={$host};port={$port};dbname={$name}", $user, "");
                case 'pgsql':
                    $port = $port ? $port : 5432;
                    $conn = new PDO("pgsql:dbname={$name}; user={$user}; password={$pass}; host=$host;port={$port}");
                default :
                    throw Exception("Não foi possível conectar no banco de dados");

            // retorna o atributo instanciado
            return $conn;
        } catch (PDOException $erro) {
//            $mensagem = $erro->getMessage();
//            //echo $mensagem;
//            $dir = getcwd() . "/Logs//";
//            error_log(date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "|\n $mensagem|\r\n\r\n", 3, $dir . "DBconectionPDO.log");            
        } catch (Exception $erro) {

    } // final do método open




require_once '/xampp/htdocs/DGNetwork/model/persistence/dao/tconnection.class.php';

 * Description of base_dao
 * @author willian.rodrigues
abstract class base_dao {

    // funções abstratos
    abstract public function salvar(Object $obj);
//    abstract public function deletar(Object $obj);
//    abstract public function atualizar(Object $obj);
//    abstract public function selecionar(Object $obj);



a class that persists a vo - in this case I just want to select a


require_once '/xampp/htdocs/DGNetwork/model/persistence/dao/base_dao.class.php';

 * Description of estado_dao
 * @author willian.rodrigues
class estado_dao {
    // construtor
    public function __construct() {
        echo 'Instancia de base_dao construida com sucesso';

    // destrutor
    public function __destruct() {

    // funções
    public function salvar(\Object $obj) {
        // tabela estática

    public function pesquisar($sigla) {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM estado WHERE sigla = ?";

        // recupera uma referência de connection
        $conn = tconnection::open();

        // prepara a query
        $query = $conn->prepare($sql);

        // configura os parâmetros
        $query->bindValue(1, $sigla);

        // executa a query

        // acessa e retorna o resultado
        $rs = $query->fetch();
        return $rs;

    public function pesquisar_all() {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM estado ORDER BY nome ASC";

        // recupera uma referência de connection
        $conn = tconnection::open();


        // prepara a query
        $query = $conn->prepare($sql);

        // executa a query

        // acessa e retorna o resultado
        $rs = $query->fetchAll();
        return $rs;


//$e = new estado_dao();
//$estado = $e->pesquisar_all();
//foreach ($estado as $est) {
//    echo $est['sigla'];
//    echo '<br />';
//    echo $est['nome'];

note at the end of the above code, in the commented lines. If you decrement them, it searches n bank and displays in the bank the result normally.

now the class where the problem happens Here the problem, in my opinion is of scope. If anyone could help me, I’d be very grateful.


require_once  '/xampp/htdocs/DGNetwork/model/persistence/dao/estado_dao.class.php';

 * Description of estado_service
 * @author willian.rodrigues
class estado_service {
    // construtor
    public function __construct() {

    // destrutor
    public function __destruct() {

     * @return array estado_vo
    public function get_all_estado() {
        $estado_dao = new estado_dao();
        $estado = $estado_dao->pesquisar_all();
        return $estado;

$e = new estado_service();
$estado = $e->get_all_estado();
echo 'cheguei aqui';
foreach ($estado as $est) {
    echo $est['sigla'];
    echo $est['nome'];

in my browser, the following error appears:

Successfully built base_dao instance Fatal error: Call to a Member Function prepare() on a non-object in C: xampp htdocs Dgnetwork model persistence dao estado_dao.class.php on line 55

  • 1

    Could highlight the line of error?

  • 1

    Your status-dao class connection call is not being properly instantiated. However, there are several calls, as @rray suggested, indicate where the line 55 is, or within what method of the state_dao class.

  • 1

    A tip is you always use in the classes, the pattern Camel Case, so your code becomes more legible.

  • that’s right. public Function pesquisar_all() $query = $Conn->prepare($sql);

  • It seems $Conn should be within the scope of the service class.

  • 1

    If $conn is invalid the problem is in tconnection::open();. You have not declared any 'variable' as class member, they are all local method variables.

  • I saw that you have already killed, the problem.

  • But will someone help me with a solution.

  • You need to check why the connection failed, can be incorrect user and password, incorrect database, port etc.

  • no friend. As I said above, the test on the DAO layer brought the data and displayed. The question was when I brought the text to the Service layer. If you notice the status code dao.class.php above, you will see the tests at the end, commented.

  • user8045 That’s right, it should be, but imagine, this using the 3-layer project pattern, where the controller talks with the service, the service with vo and with the DAO, Ai would not have Logia I bring it to the service, otherwise I would not do the DAO. My idea with this pattern is to leave the responsibilities very well defined. Please focus a little bit to help your friend here. hehehe God will give double for you.

  • @user8045 did not understand your last comment. public function pesquisar_all() {&#xA;$sql = "SELECT * FROM estado ORDER BY nome ASC";&#xA;$conn = tconnection::open();&#xA;$query = $conn->prepare($sql); if line 55 is $query = $conn->prepare($sql) $conn is not a PDO object.

  • ta bom My stato_dao.class.php class works. At the end of it, from the stato_dao.class.php class, I ran a test. $e = new state_dao(); $status = $e->search_all(); foreach ($status as $est) { echo $est['acronym']; echo '<br />'; echo $['name']; } Ai worked as expected. It made me immediately think that the problem was related to the scope.

  • if the problem is scope then define namespaces and use an autoload method

  • Hi Marcelo Bonus. I thought about it, but I don’t understand why I have to do it or how to do it. Can help me not

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