How to group results from a row query to columns


Viewed 1,980 times


Good afternoon,

have this query

                INNER JOIN tblclienterespostapre ON tblclienterespostapre.idCliente = tblcliente.idCliente
                INNER JOIN tblpergunta ON tblclienterespostapre.idPergunta = tblpergunta.idPergunta
                tblpergunta.idPergunta = 16 OR
                tblpergunta.idPergunta = 34 OR
                tblpergunta.idPergunta = 35 AND
                tblcliente.estado = 1

that returns this result to me

i needed that instead of returning me 6 rows in two columns I return two rows in 3 columns, this kind:

Linha 1: 42 | andre da silva | 930000000 | [email protected]
linha 2: 43 | cliente numero 2              | telefone  | email |

This is my database template

this is basically an application that manages users, these users are composed by several questions in which the questions can have several characters, as typodequestion, whether it is published or not, whether it was validated or not, these questions are dynamic, or new questions can be added to all customers.

It’s a little confusing :

if it were possible to name the columns it was also an asset

Thank you

  • As it appears there is already a database modeling error, it is important to have a flag for each type, otherwise it is a mess only.

  • 1

    now it makes more sense, because it has id the question and in the answer too..., I will redo the query.

2 answers


Hello, you can this using a cursor to do this.

see how it would look.

declare @tabela table
    id int ,
    resposta varchar(100)

declare @usuario table
    id int ,
    nome varchar(100),
    telefone varchar(100) null,
    email varchar(100) null

insert into @tabela values
(1, 'joao'),
(1, '3232323'),
(1, '[email protected]'),

(2, 'paulo'),
(2, '3232323'),
(2, '[email protected]')

DECLARE  @id int
DECLARE @resposta VARCHAR(100)
declare @index int = 0;

DECLARE cursor_objects CURSOR FOR
select id,  resposta as nome from @tabela

-- Abrindo Cursor para leitura
OPEN cursor_objects

-- Lendo a próxima linha
FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_objects INTO @id, @resposta

-- Percorrendo linhas do cursor (enquanto houverem)

   if(@index = 0)
        insert into @usuario values (@id, @resposta, '','')
    if (@index = 1)
        update @usuario set telefone = @resposta where id = @id
    if (@index = 2)
        update @usuario set email = @resposta where id = @id

    set @index = @index + 1;

    if(@index > 2)
        set @index = 0;

    -- Lendo a próxima linha
    FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_objects INTO  @id, @resposta

-- Fechando Cursor para leitura
CLOSE cursor_objects

-- Desalocando o cursor
DEALLOCATE cursor_objects

select * from @usuario


The staff presented a solution to your problem:

  # Versao estatica
  SET @id_perguntas = '16,34,35';
SET @sql = NULL;

    CONCAT('MAX(IF(cli_resp.idPergunta = ', idPergunta, ', resp.resposta, NULL))',
           ' AS `', pergunta, '`'))
INTO @sql
WHERE FIND_IN_SET(idPergunta, @id_perguntas)
ORDER BY idPergunta;

SET @sql = CONCAT(
    'FROM tblCliente cli
       INNER JOIN tblClienteRespostaPre cli_resp
         ON (cli.idCliente = cli_resp.idCliente)
       LEFT JOIN tblRespostaPre resp
         ON (cli_resp.idRespostaPre = resp.idRespostaPre)
     WHERE cli.estado = 1 AND cli_resp.idPergunta IN (', @id_perguntas, ')',
    'GROUP BY cli.idCliente
     ORDER BY cli.idCliente');

PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;

Here is the example working

  • Ivan Ferrer, thank you for your help, but a flag like that? Can you explain it to me? however I will edit the question and I will put the data base scheme I have to see if help ok? , thanks again

  • 1

    Flag is to inform the type of data you want to align in columns. Not to get lost in a pointless extended row.

  • 1

    Otherwise I understand that serves anything, then just make a 3-block counter and pick anything and show horizontally.

  • tried the first query,, however it did not work, (Subquery Returns more than 1 Row), the problem is that I will have several questions, today may be 10 tomorrow may be

  • 1

    to help you, I opened a question, and I hope you have an answer to your problem:

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