Test autoload problem with Phpunit and Composer on Windows


Viewed 185 times


I’m having a problem with the Composer on Windows 7.

I developed a project with the following structure:

|    |--/Simpla
|          |--/Html
|               |--/Element.php
|    |--/Simpla
|          |--/Html
|               |--/ElementTest.php

And in Composer.json I defined autoload as follows:

"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "Simpla\\": [

My test was set like this:


require './vendor/autoload.php';

use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase as PHPUnit;
use Simpla\Html\Element;

class ElementTest extends PHPUnit{

    public function testElementoPai() {

        $actual = Element::tag('html');

        return $this->assertEquals('<html></html>', $actual->render());

However, while trying to test my application occurs the error below in CMD with the command vendor bin phpunit tests:

Fatal error: Class 'Simpla\Html\Element' not found in C:\EasyPHP\data\localweb\estudo\Simpla\tests\Simpla\Html\ElementTest.php on line 12
PHP Fatal error:  Class 'Simpla\Html\Element' not found in C:\EasyPHP\data\localweb\estudo\Simpla\tests\Simpla\Html\ElementTest.php on line 12

But if I change the require in my test file Elementtest.php for './src/Simpla/Html/Element.php'; the test wheel normally.

Am I doing something wrong on my autoload?

1 answer


  • I had tried this option before and the same mistake continues.

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