Javascript Check Box


Viewed 151 times


I’m doing maintenance on a system, and I found the following code:

$(".MinhaClass").live('click', function () {
    // Código

.MinhaClass refers to a list of checkbox. I was tasked to add at the beginning of the list a checkbox to select All the list items. I soon thought about doing:

$("#selecionar-todos").change(function () {
      $('#lista input:checkbox').each(function () {

Soon the system would behave the same way as before, without many changes.

When you click on all, all items in the list are checked, including the "Select All" checkbox itself, but when you click on an item individually, it is unchecked and the "Select All" checkbox must also be unchecked.

For this, it would be necessary to identify in the first code where the click action comes from, if it was called by the method I created or if it was triggered by the mouse click individually.

I have this Fiddle to explain better.

Note: The problem is that the Select All checkbox should only be marked when all items are marked, if any unchecked, checkbox select all also must be unchecked...

  • It doesn’t make much sense when clicked on an individually uncheck the rest once it has already been clicked on all, image if it was a huge list where the user wanted to mark all and then uncheck only one... but well, as the rules of the game is not ours...

1 answer


Change the code to

  $("#selecionar-todos").change(function() {
    $("#lista input:checkbox").prop('checked', this.checked);
  $("#lista input:checkbox").change(function() {
    if (!this.checked) { // se desmarcou, limpa "selecionar todos"
      $("#selecionar-todos").prop('checked', false);
label {
  display: block;
<script src=""></script>
<label><input id="selecionar-todos" type="checkbox"/>Selecionar Todos</label>
<div id="lista">
    <label><input name="itens" type="checkbox" value="1"/>Item1</label>
    <label><input name="itens" type="checkbox" value="2"/>Item2</label>
    <label><input name="itens" type="checkbox" value="3"/>Item3</label>
    <label><input name="itens" type="checkbox" value="4"/>Item4</label>

To assign the markup I used the native property checked instead of the event click (that toggles the selection), this property can be accessed with the function .prop() or directly if it is a native object (such as this.checked of the code)

  • I updated the question, actually the selecionar-todos is not inside the lista. My fault...

  • Thank you so much for the @Sanction help but the problem is that the checkbox select All should only be checked when all items are checked, if any is unchecked, the checkbox select all should also be...

  • @Jedaiasrodrigues edited the question adding another event, must have solved now

  • once again spectacular! Only to check each item, I need to use the existing event as described at the beginning of the question. Take a look at the Fiddle...

  • there is no need to use the existing event. Although the two events manipulate the same elements there is no conflict of actions.

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