mount select in javascript with php variable


Viewed 291 times


I’m building a script that dynamically receives a variable php array, this variable I give json_encode, and now how do I mount my select with this information? script below:

     $opts = array();
     foreach($amenities as $amenitie){
     $opts[$amenitie->id] = $amenitie->name; 

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Detalhes ao redor</title>
    <!--Le CSS
    <link href="<?php echo base_url(); ?  >includes/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script    src="//"></script>

      <!--Le JavaScript
      <script src="<?php echo base_url(); ?  >includes/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js"></script>             
        var _detalhes = new Array;
        var _opts = <?php echo json_encode($opts)?>;            
        function AddFoto(){
            var _i = _detalhes.length;
            var _x = _i + 1;
            var _html = '<div class="input file"><label for="amenitie_    '+_i+'">Detalhe '+_x+'</label><select name="amenitie_'+_x+'"      id="amenitie_'+_x+'" class="form-control"></select></div>';
            _detalhes[_i] = _html;                
            var select = document.getElementById('amenitie_'+_x+'');
            montarSelect(select, _opts);

            function montarSelect(select, json) {
            if (typeof json == 'string') json = JSON.parse(json);
            Object.keys(json).forEach(function (chave) {
                var option = document.createElement('option');
                option.value = chave;
                option.innerHTML = json[chave];

        <?= $menu ?>
       <div class="container">
        <button class="btn btn-default" id="show-button"   onclick="AddFoto()">Inserir Novo</button>
         <div class="form-select" id="select-form"></div>
     <?= $footer ?>
  • What JSON looks like?

  • {"2":"Seguran\u00e7a 24hs","3":"Biciclet\u00e1rio","4":"Ar Condicionado","5":"Quintal","6":"Sacada","7":"Lareira","8":"Mobiliado","9":"Dep\u00f3sito","10":"Sistema de Alarme","11":"Condom\u00ednio Fechado","12":"Interfone","13":"Churrasqueira","14":"Elevador","15":"Academia","16":"Piscina","17":"Quadra Poliesportiva","18":"Jardim","19":"Espa\u00e7o Gourmet","20":"Playground","21":"Sal\u00e3o de Festas"}

1 answer


To mount a select with JSON in format {chave: valor} there are some decisions you need to make.

Taking into account that HTML has at least 2 points where you can place content:

<option value="ponto_1">ponto_2</option>

I’ll give you an example where the key goes to the ponto_1 and the value for the ponto_2.

function montarSelect(select, json) {
    if (typeof json == 'string') json = JSON.parse(json);
    Object.keys(json).forEach(function (chave) {
        var option = document.createElement('option');
        option.value = chave;
        option.innerHTML = json[chave];

You basically go through all the keys of this object with the forEach and each one you raise a new one option who receives value and innerHTML and is then inserted in select.

The result would be like this:

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