I have the following class
public class ReadXlsx extends Activity {
public TextView txtcoluna1;
public TextView txtcoluna2;
public TextView txtcoluna3;
public TextView txtcoluna4;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE); //Seta a tela para o layout retrato
View botaoexemplo = findViewById(R.id.botaoexemplo);
txtcoluna1 = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.txtcoluna1);
txtcoluna2 = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.txtcoluna2);
txtcoluna3 = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.txtcoluna3);
txtcoluna4 = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.txtcoluna4);
public void ler(View view) throws IOException, BiffException, WriteException{
//Setando Parâmetros
Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("sdcard/AperamApps/DBQ/DBQmestre/speed.xls"));
// Abrir Planilha
Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(0);
// Contas as linhas
int linhas = sheet.getRows();
//Informa o inicio da leitura
System.out.println("Iniciando a leitura da planilha XLS:");
for(int i = 0; i < linhas; i++){
// Captura o valor das celulas ([Coluna], [linha])
Cell b1 = sheet.getCell(1, 0);
Cell b2 = sheet.getCell(1, 1);
Cell b3 = sheet.getCell(1, 2);
Cell b4 = sheet.getCell(1, 3);
Cell b5 = sheet.getCell(1, 4);
Cell b6 = sheet.getCell(1, 5);
Cell b7 = sheet.getCell(1, 6);
Cell b8 = sheet.getCell(1, 7);
Cell b9 = sheet.getCell(1, 8);
//Converter valores das celulas para strings
String as1 = b1.getContents();
String as2 = b2.getContents();
String as3 = b3.getContents();
String as4 = b4.getContents();
String as5 = b5.getContents();
String as6 = b6.getContents();
String as7 = b7.getContents();
String as8 = b8.getContents();
String as9 = b9.getContents();
//Imprime os resutados
txtcoluna1.setText("#1 | "+ as1);
txtcoluna2.setText("#2 | "+ as2);
txtcoluna3.setText("#3 | "+ as3);
txtcoluna4.setText("#4 | "+ as4);
// insere dados na planilha filtrada
Workbook pfiltro = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("sdcard/AperamApps/DBQ/DBQmestre/p-filtrada.xls"));
WritableWorkbook outfiltro = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File("sdcard/AperamApps/DBQ/DBQmestre/out-filtrada.xls"), pfiltro);
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Teste de função", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
WritableSheet sheet1 = outfiltro.getSheet("filtro");
WritableCell cell = sheet1.getWritableCell(0, 0);
WritableCell cella2 = sheet1.getWritableCell(0, 1);
WritableCell cella3 = sheet1.getWritableCell(0, 2);
WritableCell cella4 = sheet1.getWritableCell(0, 3);
WritableCell cella5 = sheet1.getWritableCell(0, 4);
WritableCell cella6 = sheet1.getWritableCell(0, 5);
WritableCell cella7 = sheet1.getWritableCell(0, 6);
WritableCell cella8 = sheet1.getWritableCell(0, 7);
WritableCell cella9 = sheet1.getWritableCell(0, 8);
if (cell.getType() == CellType.LABEL)
Label l = (Label) cell;
if (cell.getType() == CellType.LABEL)
Label l = (Label) cella2;
if (cell.getType() == CellType.LABEL)
Label l = (Label) cella3;
if (cell.getType() == CellType.LABEL)
Label l = (Label) cella4;
if (cell.getType() == CellType.LABEL)
Label l = (Label) cella5;
if (cell.getType() == CellType.LABEL)
Label l = (Label) cella6;
if (cell.getType() == CellType.LABEL)
Label l = (Label) cella7;
if (cell.getType() == CellType.LABEL)
Label l = (Label) cella8;
if (cell.getType() == CellType.LABEL)
Label l = (Label) cella9;
// Escreve na planilha filtrada
//Fecha a planilha de entrada de dados
public void salvar1 (View view) throws IOException, BiffException, WriteException {
Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("sdcard/AperamApps/DBQ/DBQmestre/speed.xls"));
WritableWorkbook copy = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File("sdcard/AperamApps/DBQ/DBQmestre/speed2.xls"), workbook);
WritableSheet sheet2 = copy.getSheet("speed");
WritableCell cell = sheet2.getWritableCell(1, 2);
if (cell.getType() == CellType.LABEL)
Label l = (Label) cell;
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Teste de função", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
How do I so that when the user opens the application, it automatically runs the "read method" ?
I think what you want is to call the read method in the application class. To do this you need to create a class that understands Aplication and in Oncreate you call that read. Don’t forget to say in xml your application Class.
– iGoDa
In the method
call the methodler()
– ramaral
Good afternoon, thank you both, I used the formula of Ramaral for finding it easier. It worked perfectly.
– Matheus Arruda