Convert object to String?


Viewed 10,606 times


What is the best way to convert an object to a type variable int? Or there is no such conversion?


        if (teste == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
            int linha = tblPessoa.getSelectedRow();

            // Aqui o objeto não pode ser convertido em string.
            int codigo = Integer.parseInt(tblPessoa.getModel().getValueAt(linha, 0));
  • 3

    You want to know the conversion of what to what? String for int? Focus on one thing in the question.

  • 1

    It’s like @bigown said, be objective in your question.

  • Object conversion to primitive types and no conversion from primitive to primitive types.

  • I made the edit and now I’m waiting for answers @bigown.

  • 1

    @Igorcontini Do you know the type of the object? Or it can be of any type? If it can be of any type, because?

  • I was able to convert the tblPeople object which is the person table by placing a String on the left side in front of the tblPeople.

  • 1

    @Igorcontini The answer given below also works.

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3 answers


First we need to differentiate conversion, which consists in transforming one type of data into another, one cast, which consists in accessing an object as a type more specific than the current reference allows.


Converting one type of value into another requires a routine to process bytes or characters.

This reply considers that the conversion between number and text is done on basis 10.

Convert Integer to String

A variable of the type Integer

String str = myInteger.toString();

Primitive integer:

String str = Integer.toString(123, 10); //base 10    

Convert String to Integer

The command is simple:

Integer inteiro = Integer.valueOf("1");

Or if you want the primitive value:

int inteiro = Integer.parseInt("1");

The problem is that if the String is typed or read from some external source, it may not contain a valid number. Therefore, it is important at all times treat the exception NumberFormatException, thus:

try {
    int inteiro = Integer.parseInt(stringDuvidosa);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    //log, mensagem de erro, etc.


If you have an object of a specific type referenced as a generic type, you can make a cast to access it again as the specific type.


Object objeto = Integer.valueOf(1);
Integer inteiro = (Integer) objeto;

In the above example:

  1. An object of the type Integer is created
  2. It is stored in a variable of type Object
  3. The cast (Integer) causes the type variable Object can be assigned to a variable of type Integer

Note that the cast does not modify the object in any aspect, only the way it is referenced.

If the actual type of the object was not compatible with Integer an exception ClassCastException would be launched at runtime. So it is always good to check whether the cast will be possible. Example:

Object objeto = ...
if (objeto instanceof Integer) {
    Integer inteiro = (Integer) objeto;
} else {
    //log, erro, etc.

In that case, no need to treat ClassCastException with try/catch, because instanceof guarantees that this will not occur.

Many Ides, like the Eclipse, will issue a warning (Warning) find a cast without a instanceof before.

  • 1

    Very good explanation! Thanks and thanks!



you can make a casting passing to the expected type, but it is good to make sure that the object is of the correct type.

int i = (Integer) object;

Font: stackoverflow

  • 2

    To further enrich the answer, I believe a block with try catch to treat a possible exception thrown would be a good bet.

  • It worked here and thanks!


You can use the String.valueOf(int)

For example:

int par = 2;
String dois = String.valueOf(par);
  • I believe the OP is looking for the opposite operation (Object to int), see that the Object is not necessarily a String.

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