Dynamic size Pagefooter on iReport


Viewed 398 times


When creating a report on iReport and would like the PageFooter had its dynamic size according to the components that were visible within it.

Not all the components of PageFooter will be visible on all pages and also others will not appear depending on the report configuration, these components usually make up an entire line, which should not take up space in the report if it is empty.

I have tried using the parameter Remove Line When Blank but Pagefooter has no effect.

2 answers


With the PageFooter it is not possible to have a dynamic size due to the limitation of own iReport, in my case what I did to solve was to develop the entire first page on Title controlling with subreports what should or should not appear as well as the amount of information, then the other pages followed the normal structure of the iReport, in my case solved the problem.


Hello, man, my tip is for you to create Groups according to each line you have to display (to get more organized) or Details being able to keep his PageFooter. You only need to add an expression in Print When Expression to say when the Group, Detail or even the PageFooter will appear. See the example in the screenshot below: Breve exemplo, pode ser feito da mesma maneira para os <code>Details</code>

Be careful when selecting your Group, Detail or PageFooter, not to click any TextField, Labels, List, etc. because it has the same properties.

  • The idea is good Julio Cesar the problem is that I can not print the Groupfooter exactly at the end of the first page.

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