PHP - If there is no content on the line do not display


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I’m having a problem that I can’t solve (I don’t know much about php) that I think is simple.

I am pulling a list of products from a database, but some products have no image and I would like that at the time of Loop it does not load those that have some empty line.

For example: If you don’t have anything in the line "imgmarca" it does not ecibe this product on the screen.

Or better if in have nothing does not display the product.

Follows code.

$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM techloja ORDER  BY RAND(), id DESC LIMIT 12");
$dados = mysql_query($query, $con) or die(mysql_error());
$linha = mysql_fetch_assoc($dados);
$total = mysql_num_rows($dados);
if($total > 0) {
do {

<div class="produto_interna"  title="<?=$linha['nome']?>" >
        <a href="<?=$linha['link']?>">
        <div class="nome"><p><?=$linha['nomepeq']?> </p></div>

        <div class="foto">
        <div  class="foto_img"><p><img src="<?=$linha['img']?>"  title="<?=$linha['nome']?>" alt="<?=$linha['nome']?>" /></p></div>

        <div class="loja"><p><img src="<?=$linha['imgmarca']?>" height="30px" /> <span style="float:right; font-size:1.5em; font-weight:bold; color:#BC0003; margin-top:5px;">R$ <?=$linha['valor']?></span></p></div>
        <div class="comprar"><img src="images/comprar_bt.jpg"/></div>


    }while($linha = mysql_fetch_assoc($dados));
  • 1

    Adds a if (!empty($linha)) { after your do { and so it only comes in if the variable $line has content

  • 1

    It is not good practice to use do { } while the way you used it. Even if there is only 1 single result, that second fetch will be executed.

  • 1

    Swap the one from{}while for just the while. So you don’t have to do this out-of-loop check, like you’re doing on the third line, and improve the readability of the code.

  • 2

    @Marcosregis was cool to teach how he should have done it too ;) -- along with what Marcos said, it was preferable for you to wear a forEach($linhas as $linha) but then you’ll have to change the structure of the code.

  • So this way I did it is the only way I "know" but adding if (!Empty($line)) it keeps displaying.

2 answers


You can do it right on query


If you save the blank field instead of NULL

SELECT * FROM techloja WHERE img != "" ORDER  BY RAND(), id DESC LIMIT 12

Or by PHP using the function empty()


Use this code if you just don’t want to display the image when the field is empty.

$query = "SELECT * FROM techloja ORDER  BY RAND(), id DESC LIMIT 12";
$dados = mysql_query($query, $con) or die(mysql_error());
$total = mysql_num_rows($dados);
while($linha = mysql_fetch_assoc($dados) ) {?>          

<div class="produto_interna"  title="<?php echo $linha['nome']?>" >
        <a href="<?php echo $linha['link']?>">
        <div class="nome"><p><?php echo $linha['nomepeq']?> </p></div>
if (trim($linha['imgmarca']) != "") { ?>
        <div class="foto">
        <div  class="foto_img"><p><img src="<?php echo $linha['img']?>"  title="<?php echo $linha['nome']?>" alt="<?php echo $linha['nome']?>" /></p></div>

        <div class="loja"><p><img src="<?php echo $linha['imgmarca']?>" height="30px" /> <span style="float:right; font-size:1.5em; font-weight:bold; color:#BC0003; margin-top:5px;">R$ <?php echo $linha['valor']?></span></p></div>
        <div class="comprar"><img src="images/comprar_bt.jpg"/></div>
<?php } ?>
 <?php    } // fim while 

to avoid displaying the entire product, use the @Jeferson tip

  • One thing I realized now is that your SQL has a ORDER BY RAND(), id DESC Choose only one of the two because one cancels the other.

  • I had forgotten to delete this from the code... .

  • I use a "NO PHOTO" image to display a product without the photo. SELECT * FROM techloja WHERE imgmarca IS NOT NULL AND imgmarca != "" ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 12

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