bitWrite function code for use with PIC microcontroller


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I am therefore an Arduino code for the PIC pro compiler Mikroc. I arrived at a part that contains the following:

byte data[3];

// pulse the clock pin 24 times to read the data
for (byte j = 3; j--;) {
    for (char i = 8; i--;) {
        digitalWrite(PD_SCK, HIGH);
        bitWrite(data[j], i, digitalRead(DOUT));
        digitalWrite(PD_SCK, LOW);

I managed to arrange it for:

byte data[3];
int j;
int i;

// pulse the clock pin 24 times to read the data
for (j = 3; j--;) {
    for (i = 8; i--;) {
        RD1_bit = 1;
        bitWrite(data[j], i, RD0_bit);
        RD1_bit = 0;

Thus, only the function is missing bitWrite(data[j], i, RD0_bit); work, but I did not reach conclusive results.

I currently have the following code, which is not running:

void bitWrite(uint8_t &x, unsigned int n, int b1) {
    if (n <= 7 && n >= 0) {
        if (b1) {
            x |= (1u << n);
        } else {
            x &= ~(1u << n);

Note: Unique include that I’m using is #include <stdint.h>

  • 1

    I don’t know this compiler and I’ve never used Adian. From what I’ve seen byte is not a standard type or compiler or do stdint.h. Now the most important in the bitWrite it seems that these to pass x as reference, but this does not exist in C and what variable is the 1u?

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    @Giovani, does the code show an error? This 1u seems to me a constant of some library of the Mikroc, therefore x& = ~(1u << n) is a bit mask and 1u need to have some value for it to work.

  • @krystalgamer thanks for the help, I managed to resolve.

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    @Avelino thanks for the help, I managed to resolve.

  • @Giovaniracipaganini I was curious to know what this code does. Generates a square wave on pin 3? (Or pin 4 starts at 0)!?

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    @Avelino Gero is a 24-bit square wave, with each bit representing a bit, as it is a 24-bit converter. To learn more see the HX711.cpp file available on the internet.

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1 answer


I managed to make it work with the following code:

void bitWrite(char *x, char n, char value) {
   if (value)
      *x |= (1 << n);
      *x &= ~(1 << n);

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