I am trying to implement a money mask using a Numberformat, but there is an unwanted behavior while running the script in Chrome for Android.
Whenever a new number is inserted, the keyboard layout returns to the default (alphabetic), but would like it to remain with the Numeric layout.
Follows the Script.
var real = document.getElementById("real");
var euro = document.getElementById("euro");
var dollar = document.getElementById("dollar");
var Mascara = function (elemento, localizacao, moeda, digitos) {
var self = this;
this.target = elemento;
this.options = {}
this.options.minimumIntegerDigits = 1;
this.options.minimumFractionDigits = digitos;
this.options.maximumFractionDigits = digitos;
var defaultFormat = new Intl.NumberFormat(localizacao, this.options);
this.options.style = "currency";
this.options.currency = moeda;
this.numberFormat = new Intl.NumberFormat(localizacao, this.options);
this.base10 = Math.pow(10, digitos);
var semSimbolo = defaultFormat.format(0);
var comSimbolo = this.numberFormat.format(0);
if (comSimbolo.indexOf(semSimbolo) == 0) {
this.prefix = "";
this.suffix = comSimbolo.replace(semSimbolo, "");
} else {
this.prefix = comSimbolo.replace(semSimbolo, "");
this.suffix = "";
elemento.addEventListener("input", function (event) {
elemento.addEventListener("focus", function (event) {
Mascara.nonNumericPattern = /[^0-9]/g;
Mascara.onInput = function (self) {
var oldLength = self.target.value.length;
var oldRange = self.target.selectionEnd;
var minRange = self.prefix.length + 1;
if (oldRange < minRange)
oldRange = minRange;
var value = self.target.value.replace(Mascara.nonNumericPattern, "");
var numero = value ? parseInt(value) / self.base10 : 0;
self.target.value = self.numberFormat.format(numero);
var maxRange = self.target.value.length - self.suffix.length;
var newRange = oldRange + (self.target.value.length - oldLength);
if (newRange > maxRange)
newRange = maxRange;
self.target.setSelectionRange(newRange, newRange);
new Mascara(real, "pt-BR", "BRL", 2);
new Mascara(euro, "pt-PT", "EUR", 2);
new Mascara(dollar, "en-US", "USD", 2);
<input id="real" type="text" />
<input id="euro" type="text" />
<input id="dollar" type="text" />
To test the above code on a device on a mobile device, do the Logon no Jsfiddle, then access the following Jsfiddle, perform the same, then access the Jsfiddle Draft