Project only runs if Visual Studio is installed on the client machine


Viewed 128 times


Hello. I have a project done in WPF, which uses data returned by web services to interact with the user. This system, when starting, consults the IIS to see if it is standing, if the web services are there and if they are working, if it is not, it asks the user if he wants to continue. Well, we build in release, we copy the folder and put in another machine, without VS installed, and to our surprise it didn’t work, he didn’t consult but also gave no errors, we tried to update the IIS, install all versions of . NET Framework and nothing, until we decided to install VS, and just before finishing the installation was already working. We also activated the logs through the registry, but in none of the logged logs showed anything abnormal. Has anyone been there? Is there an essential package I should download before running my application?

Update: - I checked the versions, they are identical, what changes is that I program in Win8 and the client is a Win7, I do not know if it has something to do, but the installed NET Framework are the same. When I run, it does not give any error, appears the main screen but nothing works in it. - I will try the remote debug scheme and anything put here.

  • 1

    Have tried to do debug client-installed project remote to see what’s going on? Here’s how to configure debug remote.

  • 1

    Check the . NET version installed on the machines has to be equal or higher than the project. When you run on the customer what is the error at the time of execution, because at the time of execution he will tell you something? Post on your question!!!

  • Updated issue

1 answer


Problem solved: For some reason my system is looking for IIS express, which is only enabled with VS installed (or manually by IIS itself), so without VS it didn’t work because it didn’t find any IIS, but it didn’t give any errors either. Now to solve this. Here’s a tip for anyone with a problem.

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