Make changes to a website developed in Laravel 4.2


Viewed 94 times


I am starting development in Laravel and I have to implement new features on a site developed in Laravel 4.2 and by another programmer.

I need to create a function that adds lines to a Log-style table that needs to be accessible throughout the project.

public function logEmail( $email ){}

Create a model with this function? How to include the model in order to have this function accessible anywhere?

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  • The question, at this moment, is not related to the code itself, but in relation to the functioning of MVC, in this case in Laravel 4. I will have public Function logEmail( $email ){ which will be called in several places of the project. The question is: Do I create a new model? How do I "call" the model in order to access the function?

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1 answer


You will create a model (Eloquent) with all settings relevant to the table that refers to your model.


    class Log extends Eloquent 
        public $table      = 'logs'; 
        public $primaryKey = 'id';
        public $timestamps = true;
        protected $fillable = array('description');

        public function getDates()
            return array('created_at','updated_at');

Having a table similar to this layout referencing the Eloquent model above.

CREATE  TABLE `test`.`logs` 
  `description` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ,    
  `created_at` TIMESTAMP NULL ,    
  `updated_at` TIMESTAMP NULL ,    
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`) 


$log = Log::create(array('description' => 'info'));

This line above inserts a record in the table of logs (the fields are not informed created_at and updated_at, because they are automatically generated).

That would be the basic functioning, where in any Local you could call this line to create a Log. In general you can make a line in the BaseController being the same responsible in always recording a Log in all the classes that inherited from this BaseController.


class BaseController extends Controller {

    public function __construct()


    protected function setupLayout()
        if ( ! is_null($this->layout))
            $this->layout = View::make($this->layout);

    //método padrão de LogEmail
    protected function logEmail($email)
        return Log::create(array('description' => $email));


No seu controller

    class BuscaController extends BaseController 
        public function __construct()
        public function index()

            $this->logEmail('[email protected]');

            return Redirect::route('index.home');


This link of the site itself has all the settings of Eloquent and how it should be used.

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