I need to generate PDF report in Laravel 4. I have found several alternatives and I am in doubt about which best option:
DOMPDF (alternate link)
It seems very easy to use, since it’s our good old HTML plus CSS, but I don’t understand how I’m going to do the header/footer and break page.FPDF
I know for some time, but you have to write enough to be able to generate PDF.TCPDF
I know nothing of this version.
Question: how to use DOMPDF/Laravel to render a view via BLADE? Or would it be simpler to use one of the two other libraries above?
Welcome helderam. Is there a way for you to edit your question to make it more suitable for a Q&A site? We need questions that generate objective answers. We are not a discussion forum on a subject. The subject is no problem, but the information provided will end up being opinions. I think you can save the issue if you get objectivity in what you need.
– Maniero
As it was not a doubt but a discussion: My suggestion is: https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-snappy
– Flávio H. Ferreira
Thanks for the recommendations. I tried to adjust to stay according to the rules. Please if it is not yet good, let me know that I will try to improve more ok ?.
– helderam
Guys, I studied a lot and chose to stay with the FPDF even though I already knew it. Give a little more work but it is perfect the result and Voce has TOTAL AND FINE control over the generated PDF. Thank you for everyone’s attention...
– helderam