Errors to Refactor view html.erb


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I got template ready (just for practice) but I’m trying a lot of difficulties to refactor it:

  1. CSS/JS are not compiling (I tried to go to css and js files and switch to the image folder path to Assets/ failed)
  2. images not wheel even css and js case

the errors displayed by the terminal are: Actioncontroller::Routingerror (No route Matches [GET] "/pages/Assets/photos/photo-25.jpg"): of almost all the images and the css and js tbm. I had already refactored some other templates and I haven’t had as much trouble as I am with this one. If anyone can help me with some changes in the so-called code, I’d be grateful.

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                                <p class="intro">Maecenas neque est, feugiat quis porta in, condimentum eget arcu. Maecenas fringilla aliquam ultricies. Pellentesque vel turpis nec leo tincidunt sollicitudin ac non risus. Ves tibu lum ultrices feugiat velit, quis tincid unt velit volutpat nec. Vivamus pharetra fringilla augue, a elementum ante ultrices tincidunt. Ut mi ligula, interdum ut pharetra.</p>
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                                <p class="intro">Ut nec magna libero, aliquet volutpat turpis. Sed vel neque at nulla condimentum pretium. Curabitur commodo magna eu arcu ultrices vel lobortis nunc faucibus. Nulla id lacus ut sem fringilla ullamcorper nec ut metus. In scelerisque elit vitae magna luctus gravida.</p>
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                                <h2 class="custom-font-1"><a href="#">Maecenas lacus nunc rutrum vitae phaaretra imperdiet</a></h2>
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                                <p class="intro">Maecenas neque est, feugiat quis porta in, condimentum eget arcu. Maecenas fringilla aliquam ultricies. Pellentesque vel turpis nec leo tincidunt sollicitudin ac non risus. Ves tibu lum ultrices feugiat velit, quis tincid unt velit volutpat nec. Vivamus pharetra fringilla augue, a elementum ante ultrices tincidunt. Ut mi ligula, interdum ut pharetra.</p>
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                                <h2 class="custom-font-1"><a href="#">Duis fringillectus vitae rutrum massa</a></h2>
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                                <p class="intro">Ut nec magna libero, aliquet volutpat turpis. Sed vel neque at nulla condimentum pretium. Curabitur commodo magna eu arcu ultrices vel lobortis nunc faucibus. Nulla id lacus ut sem fringilla ullamcorper nec ut metus. In scelerisque elit vitae magna luctus gravida.</p>
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Well the problems would be those, if any can help I’m grateful.

  • Using Ruby on Rails right? Why aren’t you using helpers <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'application', media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track' => true %>&#xA; <%= javascript_include_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track' => true %> to include your css and js? And the image_tag for their images?

  • 3

    This question has a lot of code... you can edit the question by removing excess code (you can add a)?

  • Sorry I’ll have to do that. In fact Daniel are missing the stylesheets, but still the css and js don’t load. When the images with the presence of the image_tag some loaded, In my Assets/images folder I have another folder called photos is as if it did not find the said folder but I know that I am pointing to the folder, I will reduce the code and be more direct.

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