Associate a controller to an existing view


Viewed 437 times


Usually when we create a Controller and associate a View to a Action, right click on Action and Add View. Then he creates the View, the folder and etc.

Now, and when there already is one View, and I want to associate a Action to that View? How do I do it? With the right there is no option Add view existing or something like it. How I associate?

2 answers


Just change the return of your function, and to name the view that you want:

public ActionResult NomeFuncao()
    // código
    return PartialView("_NomeViewPartial");


You can set the return of an Action to the desired View:

public ActionResult NomeAction(SeuModel seuModel)
    // Seu código aqui
    return View("SuaView", seuModel);

Besides in your View you can also define which Action will be called in the Submit of your <form>:

@using (Html.BeginForm("NomeAction", "NomeDoController", FormMethod.Post))


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