Joomla error 3.0


Viewed 33 times


When saving a module in joomla 3.0 this error appeared to me:

1286 Unknown storage engine 'InnoDB' SQL=SELECT
i.*, AS author FROM stw3q_k2_items as i LEFT JOIN
stw3q_k2_categories AS c ON = i.catid
LEFT JOIN stw3q_users AS v ON = i.created_by
WHERE i.trash = 0 AND c.trash = 0 ORDER BY i.created DESC LIMIT 0, 10

And from this error no longer opens the homepage of the website, how to overcome this error?

  • Which version of mysql vc use? run this query show engines must show that innoDB is enabled.

  • The version is 5.5.45-cll

  • And the return of the consultation?

  • how do I consult?

  • Open mysql or phpmyAdmin and run it.

  • The mysql server is offline

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