Search link construction, combining select?


Viewed 91 times


I am having a small problem with building a search filter for my site.

Anyway, I need a filter that shows options that are related to the previous select example:


var arr_cidades = {
  sp: ["Sorocaba", "Boituva", "Tatuí"],
  rj: ["Uma cidade do Rio", "Outra cidade"]

function escolha() {
  var estado = document.querySelector("#estado");
  var cidade = document.querySelector("#cidade");

  cidade.disabled = false;

  cidade.innerHTML = "";

  switch (estado.value) {
    case "sp":
      for (i in arr_cidades.sp) {
        cidade.innerHTML += "<option>" + arr_cidades.sp[i] + "</option>"
    case "rj":
      for (i in arr_cidades.rj) {
        cidade.innerHTML += "<option>" + arr_cidades.rj[i] + "</option>"
      cidade.innerHTML += "<option>- Selecione uma cidade -</option>";
      cidade.disabled = true;
<select id='estado' onchange="escolha()">
  <option value=''>- Selecione um Estado -</option>
  <option value='sp'>SP</option>
  <option value='rj'>RJ</option>
<select id='cidade' disabled="true">
  <option value=''>- Selecione uma Cidade -</option>

But I need the access behavior of this link to be as follows:


var departamento = document.getElementById('departamento');
var categoria= document.getElementById('categoria');
var montadora= document.getElementById('montadora');
var input = document.getElementById('filtro-j');
input.addEventListener('click', function(e){
    e.preventDefault(); // não precisarias disto se o input fosse <button type="button">Filtrar</button>
    var newLocation  = ['', departamento.value, categoria.value, montadora.value].join('/');
  location.href = newLocation;
<div class="container">
    <select id="departamento" >
        <option type="text" value="">Selecione o departamento...</option>
        <option type="text" value="automotivo">Automotivo</option>
    <select id="categoria" >
        <option type="text" value="">Selecione a categoria...</option>
        <option type="text" value="pastilhas-de-freio">Pastilhas de Freio</option>
    <select id="montadora" >
        <option type="text" value="">Selecione a montadora...</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Agrale">Agrale</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Alfa Romeo">Alfa Romeo</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Audi">Audi</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Cadillac">Cadillac</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Chevrolet">Chevrolet</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Chrysler">Chrysler</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Citroën">Citroën</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Daewoo">Daewoo</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Fiat">Fiat</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Ford">Ford</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Gurgel">Gurgel</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Honda">Honda</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Hyundai">Hyundai</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Isuzu">Isuzu</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Iveco">Iveco</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Jac Motors">Jac Motors</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Jeep">Jeep</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Kia Motors">Kia Motors</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Lancia">Lancia</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Land Rover">Land Rover</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Marcopolo">Marcopolo</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Mercedes Benz">Mercedes Benz</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Nissan">Nissan</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Peugeot">Peugeot</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Renault">Renault</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Scania">Scania</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Seat">Seat</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:SsangYong">SsangYong</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Subaru">Subaru</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Suzuki">Suzuki</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Toyota">Toyota</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Troller">Troller</option>
        <option type="text" value="?fq=specificationFilter_351:Troller">Volkswagen</option>
  <button id="filtro-j" type="button">Filtrar</button>

In case I select the department "Clothing" The construction of the link if gives the following form example:

Department Category Specification Helmet Clothing Closed Open

The final link in theory would look like this on the filter button:

if the user selected the option Vestuário>Capacete>Aberto

I want to set up a filter that way, the first level that is called clothing is just a visual way of knowing where the user wants to find the items on the site.

I could do that ?

Update: I managed to generate the first level of the link, but the last level could not solve, to compare the second select...

  • In this link you put where is the "clothing" part? Do you have any object or array with the possible links of each category? tree type options?

  • yes I have, if in case he selects Clothing, would have to bring the options I have that in case would be some examples would be: Helmet, Pants, Jacket, Glove, Boots already the specification is something you would have to see on the platform as they would be... but if you can do for a department, I believe it’s the same for others who will add.

  • Is that it?

  • Basically, but in the end build the link on the filter button with the selected options.

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