Use custom Alert in javascript


Viewed 127 times


I’m trying to use something other than the standard javascript alert and apparently changing the syntax doesn’t work. For example, this code works.

$mysqlInsert = mysqli_query($conexao,$sqlInsert);
            if (!mysqlInsert) {
                die('Error: ' . mysqli_error()); 
            else {
                echo '<script>window.alert("Produto adicionado com sucesso!");

But not this one (the library is being called correctly):

$mysqlInsert = mysqli_query($conexao,$sqlInsert);
            if (!mysqlInsert) {
                die('Error: ' . mysqli_error()); 
            else {
                echo '<script>swal("Produto adicionado com sucesso!");

I could see that only when I use onclick, on a button for example, that I can call custom Alert. Can anyone explain to me why?

  • Related:

  • You managed to resolve by consulting the link posted by @Sergio?

  • No, I had to do it by javascript anyway

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