get_called_class or new Static?


Viewed 204 times


I don’t remember which PHP library I saw this, but there was a code snippet where, to get a new instance of the current class, the function was used get_called_class.

But PHP has the keyword static, referring to late Static Binding.

It seems that the use of both produces the same result.


class Yea
    public static function withStatic()
        return new static;

    public static function withCalledClass()
        $class = get_called_class();
        return new $class;


Since the output is the same, why some prefer to use get_called_class, instead of static?


  • It would be because get_called_class be available from php5.3 forward? tests this code on it will run in several versions of php. + 1

  • PHP 5.3 funfou

  • And in 5.2 down? gave error or gave another result? do not have access ...

  • It showed no results.

2 answers


The function get_called_class() returns the name class, while static returns the class itself.

From PHP 5.5, you can also use static::class to return the class name.

I believe it’s more a matter of style, but I would recommend using the static (especially if your goal is to instantiate the class, as in your example), for two reasons:

  • 1) It’s Shorter, your code gets cleaner;
  • 2) Performance. Although almost imperceptible, any function call costs.

You can make a simple comparison like this:

class Foo {
    public static function bar()
        echo "\n get_called_class: ";
        $time = microtime(true);
        echo get_called_class(). ' ';
        printf('%f', microtime(true) - $time);

        echo "\n static: ";
        $time = microtime(true);
        echo static::class . ' ';
        printf('%f', microtime(true) - $time);

echo "<pre>";


get_called_class: Bar 0.000006

Static: Bar 0.000001

These times may vary a little on each page load.

  • I liked your answer. But you know if the version question can influence when using a framework get_called_class or static?

  • Frameworks usually define a minimal version. This information is usually on the first page of the documentation, or in the "Installation" section. In short, the version does. If you are developing a framework of your own, then you have to choose whether you want to support only the most modern versions, or maintain compatibility with previous versions.

  • Always determined PHP 5.4 ++

  • Probably, this lib you saw wanted to get the name of the class in versions prior to 5.5. There are other options to do this too, such as the variable __CLASS__ or get_class($this) (if the method is not static)


It is worth noting that the function get_called_class came into existence from the version 5.3 of PHP.

In addition to the difference of performances as cited by Rafael

class Foo {
    public static function bar()
        echo "\n get_called_class: ";
        $time = microtime(true);
        echo get_called_class(). ' ';
        printf('%f', microtime(true) - $time);

        echo "\n static: ";
        $time = microtime(true);
        echo static::class . ' ';
        printf('%f', microtime(true) - $time);

echo "<pre>";


get_called_class: Bar 0.000006

static: Bar 0.000001

There is another issue that needs to be raised. The get_called_class is used in partnership with late static binding frameworks. For example, when a search framework uses a service system Locator/Ioc, they use the get_called_class, because this function returns the class name and this can be used to check if there are already instances together with the use of Factorypattern


class Factory
    private static $_instances = array();

    public static function getInstance()
        $class = get_called_class();
        if (!isset(self::$_instances[$class])) {
            self::$_instances[$class] = new $class();
        return self::$_instances[$class];

class ClassExtendFactory extends Factory {}

$class = ClassExtendFactory::getInstance();
$otherClass = ClassExtendFactory::getInstance();
var_dump($class === $otherClass);
// result true { ou seja, representam o mesmo objeto, duas variáveis apontando para o mesmo endereço de alocamento da memória }

When not using Factory, only use the late static binding

abstract class AbstractExample {
    public static function getInstance() {
        return new static();

class Example extends AbstractExample {


$ex1 = Example::getInstance();
$ex2 = Example::getInstance();
var_dump($ex1 === $ex2);
// return false { ou seja, agora são 2 instâncias diferentes da mesma class, duas variáveis apontando para espaços diferentes de alocamento na memória }

That’s it, I hope it helped you understand a little better.

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