Move files to production environment


Viewed 242 times


When we go up an environment for production on a server, default hosting, via ftp or ssh. What tool to use to upload only the necessary files to the application, without having to upload tests, documentation, etc.

I use php

Thank you

  • or private

  • The project is hosted on a standard shared hosting or cloud/vps/dedicated server?

1 answer


The most common tools for such a task are version controllers.

The most popular are GIT and Subversion, also known as "SVN".

GIT offers the public repository on There are also plans for hosting private repositories.

Alternatively, you can install a Git server within a private environment on your own server, for example. In this way it would not be dependent on third-party services.

Subversion is an older git competitor. The handling is simpler and also widely accepted, although there are controversies that pejorativam in relation to Git.

For those who can’t install git or Subversion on the hosting server (usually on shared hosting), you have to do it manually or create scripts or software on your own.

There are some commercial software on the market and also open-source initiatives like these:

If you search google, "php git ftp" will find some other.

This one is my own. "Tipui GIT FTP".

I haven’t handled those codes in over two years, but it works fine.

There are certain bugs like for example, missing error treatments mainly when there is some error in sending a file. There is also a way to continue an interrupted upload.

Another deficiency is lack of SFTP support, i.e., FTP under SSL.

All code is written in PHP using PHP FTP functions

When I have some courage I’ll play with this project again.

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