I would like to know how to hide the content and show only a gif of loading on the page. I was able to implement but the images keep appearing, how to solve this? My code is here:
Here is the javascript part:
//Esconde preloader
And that’s my div’s name:
<div id="preload"><img src="algumacoisa.gif"></div>
Someone could help me because this only does not hide the content of the page until it loads.
in case then would have to hide the container and then when the images are loaded show it?
– Leonardo Costa
this will be very useful for me to show items in a table that I am creating, thank you!
– feresjorge
@Exact Leonardocosta. And depending on how you have HTML it may be possible with css Transitions instead of jQuery
– Sergio
thank you worked already
– Leonardo Costa