Customized exceptions in JAX-RPC


Viewed 36 times


I’m making some improvements to some JAX-RPC Web Services here at the company. I would like to know if it is possible to work with custom exceptions in this case and, if possible, if someone can exemplify an implementation.

I have made some attempts based on some topics (as soon as I find them again put here), but so far unsuccessful.

  • I’ve made a few attempts: could you tell us what they were, so we don’t have to redo them? You want to return the exceptions such as *SOAP Falts or do your contracts specify in any specific way? Report more details of your scenario, it is difficult to help without information

  • There is this article that deals with how the RPC exceptions work and how to use Checked Exceptions to map the error type and treat as you set it. See if this can help you:

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