I need to make in my application a query to the services of Rasa via Serasa Experian.
I have already assembled the entire layout and when I make the request directly through the browser, I have the expected return perfectly
https://mqlinuxext.serasa.com.br/Homologa/consultahttps?p=???????????? B49C 000001050000193JC FI S99SINIAN N P002RSPU I00100R T999
Where: ???????????? = user and password access.
Now, does anyone have any suggestions on how to perform this request in php? I am trying to do via Curl however, the return is always "REQUISICAO CONTAINS LESS THAN 24 BYTES "
Don’t they provide a webservice or documentation on the subject? the url is just like that?
– rray
The URL is exactly like this (Just replacing the "?" by the user and password (Each with 6 bytes).
– Mario de M. Barros Neto