Condition if combobox content is selected, load the fields


Viewed 70 times


Good morning Galera,

I’m having the following difficulty in typescript,

I want to select a field from a combobox, when I select this field, I want you to load certain fields... The problem is that it should be done in Typescript and I can not find content to do it, I apologize for not putting any example, but I did not find... if you have any good site about Typescript outside the, I thank you!!!!

  • I don’t quite understand what you want. Is it doing an AJAX to receive the values of the field? Or just making what is already there visible? However the answer is that you should look for how to do in Javascript. Any JS code will be perfectly valid in TS.

  • 2

    Typescript is just a superset of javascript. For what you want to do, the code will be exactly the same as written in javascript, it makes no sense to search for specific material for typescript. See how to do the same in JS.

  • Thanks @Guilhermebernal, I thought Typescript was something else... VLW!

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