Select inside a button does not work in Firefox


Viewed 68 times


I have a select inside button as follows:

<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary"
                Choose the N to be stage
        <select  id='n_selector'
                 class="btn btn-primary"
                 title="Choose the N to be staged"
                 data-bind="options: available_ns,
                    optionsCaption: 'Select...',
                    value: current_n,
                    event: { change: tnmChanged }">

Chromium works normally, but in Firefox it does not load the select values. When I remove the select from inside the button it loads the values, but with centralized alignment. Any hint?

Thank you

  • 2

    Semantically speaking, it doesn’t make sense to have a select within a button... I think you should fix that.

  • It’s the same div inside p. One day my CSS class inherited from p within the div and when I went to see it was that. Nor had called me that had a div within a p.

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