netbeans change java jdk


Viewed 4,386 times


I upgraded my java, and removed the previous version, now on startup the netbeans gets a message that did not find version 1.7 and asks if I want to use the version default.

Does anyone know where I change this setting so I don’t see this message every time I open netbeans ?

1 answer


It is possible to change the JDK that Netbeans uses by changing its settings file.


  1. Open the file netbeans.conf which is in the folder etc within the Netbeans installation folder
  2. Change the variable netbeans_jdkhome to point to the new folder JDK
  3. Restart your Netbeans


  • so... eh.... I googlando around saw an answer talking in the folder etc. and I thought the answer was only p/linux.. rsrsrssr now found the folder, it really is inside the netbeans installation folder, thank you!

  • So did I, when I saw etc already came Linux in my head hehe

  • I had to save the file on my desktop and then move and overwrite to the folder etc due to permissions

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