Conditional Tags Worpress for mobile devices


Viewed 34 times


How do I use a Conditional Tag in my wordpress theme so that a certain script is not loaded on mobile devices. There is such a tag?

If there could show me an example?

In this example the script would only load at the home of the site, I would like a code that when checking that the device is mobile the script would not load. or even appear in the source code.

 <?php if( is_home() ): ?>

 <script data-cfasync="false" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

 <?php endif; ?>

1 answer


Use the function wp_is_mobile():

if ( wp_is_mobile() ) {
    /* Display and echo mobile specific stuff here */

This function is present in Wordpress since version 3.4. See more details about the function on Codex.

  • But what makes this conditional? I need some scripts not to be loaded on mobile devices

  • It checks if it’s on a mobile device, so you can check and make sure that it doesn’t load your files on Movies devices.

  • shows an example of what the code would look like

  • This condition is not fine-tuned, a php library can be good: - if you want to test and include in the answer, feel free :)

  • I think the @user3192159 question is easily answered by translating the comment that is in English...

  • Folks don’t seem to understand the question, I simply want certain script not to be loaded on mobile devices only on desktop it would be executed

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