How to change running route?


Viewed 182 times


Use MVC5 and Visual Studio 2013. I created this route: Home/PaginaBase. This route calls a new page, called PaginaBase, which has a header and footer similar to Index. This footer creates a Menu. When I select an item from that menu, it calls me to PaginaBase, mounting the URL like this:


So far, ok. When I will select another item (I am still inside the PaginaBase), it keeps the same URL in the call and adds again Home/PaginaBase/8/3, there is a route missing. How do I solve this?

Below my jquery function

function MontaMenuInferior() {

    var str = "";
        url: '/Home/MontaMenuInferior',
        dataType: "json",
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        type: "POST",
        success: function (data) {

            $(data.resultado).each(function () {

                str = str + '<ul class="grid_4">' +
                                    '<li>' + this.SubCategoria + '</li>';

                $(this.subconsulta).each(function () {

                    if (this.Id_SubCategoria2 != null) 

                        str = str + '<li><a href="Home/PaginaBase/' + this.Id_SubCategoria2 + '/3" title="">' + this.SubCategoria2 + '</a></li>';
                        //str = str + '<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl(PaginaBase"',new{ Parametro : this.Id_SubCategoria2, tipo : '3'} + ")">this.SubCategoria2 + '</a>'
                        str = str + '<li><a href="#' + this.SubCategoria2 + '" title="">' + this.SubCategoria2 + '</a></li>';


                str = str + '</ul>';


                str = "";

        error: function (error) {

  • 2

    Why these numbers at the end of your Urls? Wouldn’t it be better to just use the proper view names?

  • What do you mean? These numbers are parameters I step to call certain html. They are bd ID’s.

  • The problem of duplication, is that there was a bar missing in the link call, type: /Home/Paginabase... and not Home/Paginabase.... That I already solved, now called my attention in relation to the name suggested by Tiago.

1 answer


You are using relative Urls on your links. If you are on /Home/PaginaBase/6/3 (i.e. this is your path) and you click a link to Home/PaginaBase/8/3 your new path will be /Home/PaginaBase/6/3/Home/PaginaBase/8/3.

If you use relative Urls it will replace your path instead of concatenating to it: /Home/PaginaBase/8/3 (note the / at first).

P.S. Dei that answer in your question on SOEN before reading his comment saying that he had already found the problem.

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