How to test private functions?


Viewed 279 times


I have a controller with some functions:

.controller(TestCtrl, function($scope){
   var vm = this;

   vm.funcTest = function(){
    return 1 + 1;

   function _testSoma2(){
     return 2 + 2;

Now on the test :

describe('Controllers: Timetable', function () {
 var TestCtrl;
 var $controller;
 var $scope;


 beforeEach(inject(function($controller, $injector){ 
   $controller = $controller;
   TestCtrl = $controller('TestCtrl', {
        '$scope': $scope
   it('testar function privada.', function () {
      //como testar?
      //TestCtrl._testSoma2() ??

How I can perform the test in function _testSoma2() ?

in vm I can $Scope.vm.funcTest() but in _testSoma2() I cannot .

I can call this function private by several other functions of Scope, but I want to test this function separately.

  • Can you give a clearer example? in this example this function is never used right?

  • Exactly, it can be used by a scope function. But I want to test it separately.

  • 2

    It is not possible to have access to the function separately, it is a limitation of the language. You could have a public method calling the function and testing this method, but then the private method loses some of the purpose...

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