Request movies by IMDB link


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Good evening, I come here to question the community of ONLY if anyone has an idea of how to do this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Example, when we insert a link from IMDB in the input and we give Submit, it adds the movie to the order list as in the image..

  • I couldn’t understand your question properly, could you elaborate better?

  • EX: when I add the IMDB link to the input, it automatically inserts the cover next door Think of a movie/series ordering system, just like in the picture

  • 1

    Just preventing a likely reaction: your question is for "some idea". When you have a specific code, open a new question ;)

1 answer


It seems that IMDB has two Apis, both completely undocumented, I searched the entire site FAQ and found nothing (6 years after the original question below on Soen).
Vide Does IMDB provide an API?

A static and curly, I tried to make changes but almost none worked:

And another more advanced:

Google shows this service as the first result for IMDB + API, it seems unofficial:

PS: Be careful about doing Crapping or trying to pull this data in an "alternative" way, the penalties are quite high and the film/music industry staff does not mess around in service.

  • The content inside this link , I never figured out how to put this in properly indexed text. Ex: Name: Film, Year: 200. Could you give me a hand with that?

  • I have seen, but "remove" an image from a site has no problem at all (I suppose)

  • Yes, the cover/poster of the film is publicity material, in theory it is good to be reproduced there.

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