Dynamic Color in Textfield in Jasper Reports


Viewed 1,096 times


I want to change the color of the textfield according to the value of it, I found several tutorials that say to create a style and apply to textfield, you have to mark a "Styled text" option that I did not find in the properties of textfield in Jasper, the tutorials all refer to Ireport and I use Jasperreports, some tip?

  • Hello Julio, could you post one mvce with an example report, the call to generate it and the point at which you want to apply the style dynamically?

2 answers


I already went through this same problem, I needed to paint each line of the report pair red, so I found following the solution:

<style name="style_fundo_vermelho" mode="Opaque">
            <conditionExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue() %2 == 0)]]></conditionExpression>
            <style backcolor="#FF0000"/>

here in this section I create the Style that has a boolean condition:

(if the line counter number divided by 2 is = 0 then it is an even line and its background will be red)

new Boolean($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue() %2 == 0)

after creating this style with the name= style_botto_red i add it to the style attribute of textField:

    <reportElement style="style_fundo_vermelho" x="658" y="1" width="90" height="16" uuid="c118ccc6-4074-4f03-9bfa-cf6c3ae8a1b9">

So you can already solve your dynamic background color problem in text field, just adapt to style for your need.


If not, another possible solution is to overlay another textfield with the color you want and make the switch to show one or the other :)

  • Yeah, I didn’t want to use this but it’s gonna be the way! Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Thanks man!

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