How to use boost::Function with variable parameter number function?


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In a library I use, a function Z expects a pointer to function with the following signature: typedef void (*func)(double, ...). I want to write a class in such a way that I can pass an object from this class as parameter to Z.

I would know how to use boost.function if func had the number of parameters varied.

I searched the internet, but I couldn’t find a specific reference for this case. Does anyone know how to use boost.function in this case, or have any reference that can help me?

Grateful, Rodrigo

  • If you know a lot of C++ don’t, how will we know? : I hope someone can help you and I hope to see you helping a little around here too.

  • From where you know me to think I know a lot of C++?

  • Cppbrasil ;)

  • Then you should know I don’t know much about C++. Maybe that’s why you don’t see me helping much.

  • Thank you Lucas!

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