How to customize Showcaseview?


Viewed 46 times


Hello, I’m having some difficulties to use the following library already searched in guides, videos including the proposed documentation.

But I can not use certain methods, because android studio does not recognize them. And to be a little bit more specific, I’d like to know how to customize transparencies (color), or how to animate the virtual finger.

Obs: I already imported the library and everything, even managed to use and point out the targets. I used the following guide

According to the documentation, the color change is performed as follows

<style name="ShowcaseViewTheme" parent="ShowcaseView.Light">
 <item name="sv_backgroundColor">#fffff</item>

I did exactly as shown above, but it does not recognize this sv_backgroundColor, by chance it is necessary to declare this style or this item somewhere?

  • You can give examples of the problem?

  • Well, there are two of my questions first, I would like to know whether or not the Apis are deprecated on Androidstudio which would explain why he does not recognize certain methods.

  • 1

    And according to what I explained there, how could I change colors in showcaseview via xml. I already edit the first post and try to show what didn’t work, at least not for me.

  • Please post the entire file of Styles.xml, Windows edited the file from the values-v14 or values folder? Are you running it on which android version? - To answer the question, yes I believe that Showcaseview is depreciated, but it does not mean that it does not work.

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