How to avoid "zend_mm_heap corrupted" error?


Viewed 995 times


In my day to day PHP development and release delivery, I get back and forth the following error when a build is made in our continuous integration environment:

zend_mm_heap corrupted

This is a fatal error, which crashes the deploy script and I have to build the build again.

What this mistake is about, and how can I avoid it?

Thank you!

  • Actually in the title the error is correct, but in the body it was wrong (I wrote "zend_mm_head"). Now it should get a little easier to try to figure out the cause :)

1 answer


I don’t know much about it, but I did a little digging around SOEN, I decided to bring a translation, to see if I can help someone.

Possible solutions:

Increase the buffering output

According to the answer given by the author of question no SOEN, he set up the php.ini, increasing the size of output_buffering. When asked about "what output buffer has to do with it," he justified himself using this reply;


According to one of the answers to the above question, the problem was solved using the command in the bash:


A suggestion to set this variable in the file /etc/apache2/envvars was given in a comment of the reply in the SOEN

Disable the opcache:

According to one of the answers, by disabling the opcache, the problem has been solved:


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