line break inside the string


Viewed 6,032 times


How to insert line break into a string without increasing the number of characters?


        $str = "Vou para Manaus";               
        echo(strlen($str)); //exibe 15

        $str = "Vou para
        echo(strlen($str)); //exibe 18

  • 2

    I believe it is not possible because space and contact as a character, what is your goal with this ?

  • @Gabriel, it’s common to have that kind of rule in a business model. For example, count how many characters were typed in a text, but ignore spacing count, line breaks, and scores. In a practical example, a text translation service where the translation price is based on the amount of characters. It would be unfair to charge for spaces and line breaks.

4 answers


First, be aware of the difference between characters and bytes.

The function strlen() returns quantity in bytes.

If you want to count the number of characters, use the function mb_strlen()

$str = "Vou para Maranhão";
echo strlen($str); //exibe 18
echo mb_strlen($str); //exibe 17

Let’s get to the point?

count the number of characters ignoring line breaks:

$str = "Vou para 

$l = mb_strlen( str_replace("
",'',$str) );
echo PHP_EOL . $l; //exibe 17

The idea is simple. Just remove unwanted characters before counting.

Playing a little longer, we can create a function:

$str = "Vou para 

No segundo parâmetro, indique os caracteres que dseja ignorar. O argumento recebe `string` ou `array`
function mb_strlen2( $str, $ignore = null )
    return mb_strlen( str_replace($ignore,'',$str) );

 Ignora quebras de linha
echo PHP_EOL . '<br />' . mb_strlen2( $str, PHP_EOL );

 Ignora quebras de linha e espaçamentos
echo PHP_EOL . '<br />' . mb_strlen2( $str, [ PHP_EOL, ' ' ] );




    $str = "Vou para Manaus";               
    echo(strlen($str)); //exibe 15

    $str = "Vou para \n Manaus";                
    echo(strlen($str)); //exibe 18



You’ve tested it like this:

        $str = "Vou para Manaus";               
        echo(strlen($str)); //exibe 15
        $str = "Vou para" . PHP_EOL . "Manaus";                
        echo(strlen($str)); //exibe 18

A line break PHP constant that fits according to the operating system.


try like this

$str = "Vou para "\n" Manaus";                
echo(strlen($str)); //exibe 18

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