How to check if one control is the son of another? "Control.Ischildof"


Viewed 111 times


I have 3 panels:

<asp:Panel ID="ParentPanel" runat="server">
    <asp:Panel ID="AnnoyingPanel" runat="server">
        <asp:Panel ID="P" runat="server">

How can I verify that P is descended from ParentPanel?

  • Dude, are you translating the QA from the O.R.? (

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1 answer


You can use a Extension method recursive like this:

public static bool IsChildOf(this Control c, Control parent)
    return ((c.Parent != null && c.Parent == parent)
            || (c.Parent != null ? c.Parent.IsChildOf(parent) : false));

Which results in:

P.IsChildOf(ParentPanel); // true
ParentPanel.IsChildOf(P); // false

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