Youtube videos do not open on full screen


Viewed 246 times


Galera would have like through some javascript to make a video on my site not open on full screen on iOS devices?

Because I’m using youtube as a music player and every time someone accesses on iOS devices it opens the video on full screen. Follow my code with playsinline.

var buildPlayer = function(videoUrl)
     playerLoading = true;

     player = new YT.Player(attrs.container, {
         height: '200',
         width: '200',
         videoId: getIdFromUrl(videoUrl),
         playerVars: {
             enablejsapi: 1,
             playsinline: 1,
             html5: 1,
         events: {
             'onReady': onPlayerReady,
             'onStateChange': onStateChange
  • Can you put a reproducible example? I want to test but I don’t have a complete example.

  • 1

    Can I guess iOS only opens in fullscreen anyway, after all it runs with the "native player". This could be a youtube BUG, because in the apple says it works for "ads".

1 answer


  • I did as you said about playsinline but it keeps opening in full screen. I modified the question.

  • In fact it is the opposite, the value 0 is what makes it able to display in full screen "0: this value causes the playback to be done in full screen. It is currently the default value, although the default is subject to changes."

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